Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Convertible Clowns IX: Conversations With The Dark Lord




     Anthonystjoseph had been captured by the Convertible Clowns and now he was somewhere in the underworld being held captive by the Dark Lord himself.  Why had the cougar abandoned him and why had the cougar said it was his path.  It seemed to Anthonystjoseph that he had finally been fully abandoned by God.  Whatever was in store for him, he knew he would never commit to the Dark Lord’s bidding like his so called friends the Convertible Clowns had.  He would remain who he was in the core of his soul and that was for sure.  He knew nothing could change that.  Besides, his time with the cougar and the cougar’s teachings had made him a much stronger person; he would be strong.  He was being dragged through the underworld in chains by Paula the Prison Bird and Ridiculous Rodney who like Paula had seemed to have recently gone through another transformation.  They were being led by Toothless Tito who seemed to be in charge. 

     They led Anthonystjoseph in chains into a large room with no ceiling whatsoever; it seemed the room was filled with all sorts of demonic and clown like looking people.  They approached the far side of the room from the entrance and came to an amazing and ominous throne.  There in a huge chair made of extremely colorful and luminescent rock sat a being that Anthonystjoseph could not mistake for anyone other than the Dark Lord himself.  For some reason Anthonystjoseph wasn’t scared.  Somewhere deep in his soul he realized this meeting was always going to happen.  Prison Bird Paula and Ridiculous Rodney threw Anthonystjoseph down in chains at the base of the Dark Lord’s Throne.  Toothless Tito says, “As you requested my Lord.”  Anthonystjoseph starts to stare up at the Dark Lord as the Dark Lord rubs his chin and stares at him.  All of a sudden the Dark Lord lets out an unearthly laughter that rocks the entire chamber.  Anthonystjoseph finally looks the Dark Lord directly in the eyes with almost complete disbelief in the true fact that his life has really led to this point. 

     The Dark Lord tells the Convertible Clowns to leave the room and directs everyone else with a wave of his paw to also clear the room.  Anthonystjoseph stands up in his chains and stares at the Dark Lord as the Dark Lord stares at him.  The Dark Lord waves his paw and the chains binding Anthonystjoseph magically disappear.  Anthonystjoseph looks down in disbelief and stretches his hands and arms for relief.  The Dark Lord continues to stare at him and says, “I’ve been watching you for a very long time young man.”  Anthonystjoseph uses all the courage he can muster and remembers the angelic cougar saying he was still protected and responds, “And?”  All of a sudden the Dark Lord loses his temper and lunges at Anthonystjoseph and comes within an inch of his face while they both stare face to face with Anthonystjoseph trying to lean back and clearly horrified by the proximity of the Dark Lords face and obvious closeness to such evil.  The Dark Lord slowly opens his mouth and then quickly in a bit of anger says, “Listen to me you unwanted reject from a dried up NUTSACK!  I’m not the ‘G’ man upstairs.  I will make you regret the day the Earth was created knowing you would eventually be born!  This is my world!  This is my domain.  All of you BELONG TO ME!”  He is still staring directly into Anthonystjoseph’s face as drool starts to leak from his mouth that reminds Anthonystjoseph of the drool he saw leaking from Ridiculous Rodney’s mouth. 

     The Dark Lord returns to sit in his throne as he continues to stare at Anthonystjoseph.  Anthonystjoseph realizes that his protection is clearly in place and also realizes that this Dark Lord considers him important and wants something from him. 

     The Dark Lord starts to talk and warns Anthonystjoseph, “First off, I hear you have talked a lot of crap to the ‘G’ man upstairs and I want to warn you after your first rude response to me that I will have none of it!  This is my WORLD!  You’re just a squirrel trying to get a NUT!”  Anthonystjoseph says, “I thought Oran ‘Juice’ Jones said that line.”  “I SAID THAT LINE!”  “I still think Juice Jones said it.”  The Dark Lord hisses, “You keep on, just keep on.  I’ll turn you into a creature that makes Paula the Prison Bird look like a beauty queen.  Keep on talking smack in my kingdom.”  Anthonystjoseph realizes that maybe he should just start listening; this Dark Lord does seem to have the power at the moment.

     The Dark Lord sits on his Throne and stares at Anthonystjoseph while Anthonystjoseph stands and stares at the Dark Lord.  The Dark Lord starts to explain, “I heard you’ve gotten to the point where you’ll ‘Argue with the ‘G’ Man’ and talk back a lot but I’m going to tell you one more time.  You exercise that smart mouth down here and I’ll wrap you up tight like a stale Christmas Cookie and they won’t be able to open you up until the end of mankind…”   Anthonystjoseph had no idea what a stale Christmas Cookie wrapped tight was like and was really starting to feel like the Dark Lord sounded like someone whose elevator didn’t go to the top floor.   Anthonystjoseph started thinking about the angelic cougar and still remembering that the angelic cougar said he would always be protected and that if he had the courage to argue with God he should surely keep the courage to argue with this demonic windbag.  Suddenly the Dark Lord shouted, “ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!  Do you dare have the audacity to stand in my THRONE ROOM and let your THOUGHTS WANDER OFF!?!”  Anthonystjoseph grabs the chance and says, “Well, you were starting to ramble on.”

     The Dark Lord starts to turn deep red and then a startling dark blue as he slowly rises and then turns an extremely luminescent orange and approaches Anthonystjoseph very slowly and gets in his face one more time as they stand face to face with noses almost touching.  The Dark Lord who is clearly trying to calm his own self down opens his mouth and starts to speak as Anthonystjoseph cuts him off and says, “Dude, your breath!”  The Dark Lord turns deep purple and hauls off and smacks Anthonystjoseph with his paw as Anthonystjoseph flies across the throne room through the air and lands near the door.  Ridiculous Rodney and Paula the Prison Bird are standing outside the doors to the Throne room and can be heard giggling.  Ridiculous Rodney cracks the door open and whispers to Anthonystjoseph on the floor, “You’re gonna get it now rookie!  Christmas Cookie time; the end of mankind!”

     The Dark Lord stands at his Throne and raises his paw as Anthonystjoseph’s body lifts and proceeds to be pulled slowly back through the air back towards the base of the Throne.  Suddenly he his slammed to the floor once again at the base of the Dark Lords Throne.

     The Dark Lord says, “Listen to me closely and understand all that I say.  As it tells you in your Bible, this is my world.  And I will say his name in my world this one time.  Again, as it tells you in your Bible, God gave me the power over the earth.  All of you belong to me.  All of you BIT THE APPLE!  You chose to leave His Heavenly Kingdom when you listened to me and bit the apple and became FLESH!  I am the SERPENT!  YOU BIT THE APPLE!  YOU CHOSE TO BECOME FLESH!  Welcome to my world!”  Anthonystjoseph was taking in everything he was saying and then thinking to himself how he didn’t even like apples all that much.  He certainly wouldn’t have left Heaven for one.  The Dark Lord read his mind and screamed!  IT’S A METAPHOR PUNK!  I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART!  You accepted the apple of flesh and left the Heavenly garden of his spiritual world and all of its rewards and now you are in my what, MY WORLD!”

     All of a sudden, Anthonystjoseph lunged at The Dark Lord and wrapped his arms around him and proceeded to start saying The Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father, who art in Heaven…”  Then with a flash of light The Dark Lord burst into a cloud of dust as Toothless Tito, Paula the Prison Bird, and Ridiculous Rodney all ran into the chamber.  Tito screamed, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!”  Then all of a sudden the angelic cougar came down from the sky of the room with wings that each seemed ten feet long and were glowing as Anthonystjoseph jumped on his back and then the cougar headed for the sky of the underworld and they abandoned the Convertible Clowns and all of the other demonic entities to their life without The Dark Lord.  All of a sudden the angelic cougar and Anthonystjoseph were magically transported to the cabin at the lake in the desert and as they landed the cougar’s wings went away.

     The cougar turned to Anthonystjoseph and said, “Your journey has just begun.  He turned and walked back into the desert as Anthonystjoseph sat down on the porch of the cabin and couldn’t believe what he had just gone through but at the same time happy that he had come out of it alive and not found out what a Christmas Cookie was when it was wrapped up tight until the end of mankind.

     As he sat on the porch an angelic being walked out of the desert and up to Anthonystjoseph and said, “I’m your soulmate, it’s time to go home.”



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