Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Convertible Clowns IV: Theoda the Thug




     Theoda the Thug sat there in the back seat of the clown car next to Ridiculous Rodney and could not help but to think how lucky she was that the Dark Lord didn’t take out their latest failure to capture and kill Anthonystjoseph on her.  Theoda was in disbelief at how grotesque the Dark Lord had made Paula the Prison Bird’s face.  Theoda never knew whether she wanted to laugh or cry whenever she looked at Paula’s face.  Theoda herself knew she wasn’t the prettiest bird on the block with the original charcoal grey skin combined with yellow veins the Dark Lord had given her but she could still turn a head or two in the underworld.  Even though Paula was someone you could never trust or turn your back on, she was still part of the group.  Theoda was thankful that she was only reduced to a clown costume and a skin color change and not a complete physical makeover like Paula had just undergone.  Theoda wondered where her life had gone wrong.  She knew that she had been a naturally inclined thief all of her life but had that in itself sentenced her to be a servant of the Dark Lord.  She would never know the final sin that sentenced her to this current life of Hell but she was going to do everything in her power to find and kill Anthonystjoseph because he and his desire to do good and help heal the world was enough to make her want to vomit; he alone was the sole reason for her current state of hellish reality.  And more importantly to Theoda, if she had never been assigned to monitor and try and lure Anthonystjoseph into the dark world during high school, she would never be in the predicament she was in today; riding in a diabolically convertible clown car with a bunch of deranged genetic castoffs. 

     Theoda the Thug sat there enjoying the desert wind on her face as she remembered the first time she met Anthonystjoseph.  He was an unsuspecting little idiot as far as she could tell.  She just couldn’t understand the Dark Lord’s fascination with Anthonystjoseph but one who wanted to remain unharmed usually never questioned the Dark Lord’s bidding.  One look at Paula the Prison Bird’s new horrendously sculpted clown face could tell you that fact.  She remembered when Anthonystjoseph came walking down the sidewalk in the high school courtyard as the Dark Lord whispered and hissed in her ear, “There’s that little mongrel right there.”

     Theoda smiled at Anthonystjoseph as he walked past her and he smiled back and continued on his way.  It would be easy befriending Anthonystjoseph because he didn’t seem to have many friends in high school.  As a matter of fact, most of the high school kids felt the same way as Theoda did; he just didn’t seem to be worth the time.  Why on Earth the Dark Lord was preoccupied with him was puzzling and seemed to be the only puzzling thing about Anthonystjoseph at the time.  Who was she to judge the Dark Lord’s request.  She slowly made her way into Anthonystjoseph’s life as a friend and proceeded to start her diabolical actions of trying to destroy his character as the Dark Lord ordered.  To Theoda, Anthonystjoseph was totally annoying; he was always cracking jokes and always telling stories that he said were true.  Theoda could barely stand him.  Then Anthonystjoseph joined the Army and they lost contact until a few years later.

     Anthonystjoseph had contacted Theoda in Hollywood and suggested they get an apartment and become roommates since he was getting out of the Army.  In Hollywood, Theoda couldn’t make a real connection with him while they lived as roommates because mister ‘stjoseph just seemed to have his own agenda.  Some inner strength or guidance system seemed to be leading him down some certain path.  Maybe this path was the reason the Dark Lord was so interested in destroying him.  The Dark Lord punished Theoda in several ways for failing to make a connection and help destroy this supposedly chosen one and that’s when her hate for Anthonystjoseph grew to startling proportions.  He first forced Theoda to live in a trailer home for her failures.  Theoda couldn’t imagine having to tell her friends in Hollywood that she lived in a trailer.  Theoda stared at Paula in the front seat with her grotesque clown face with the gaped protruding yellow teeth and decided once and for all that she would make Anthonystjoseph pay.  She would blast him with the Nuclear Powered Grenade Launcher herself even though Ridiculous Rodney had planned on carrying out the order himself with the launcher.

     Ridiculous Rodney sat next to Theoda in the convertible clown car just giggling to himself as he rubbed the grenade launcher.  Theoda couldn’t help but think of what an imbecile Rodney was.  If they failed in this new capture and destroy attempt then she would make sure that all the blame fell on Rodney when dealing with the Dark Lord.  All Ridiculous Rodney ever did was giggle and drink liquor while snorting crushed aspirin all day.  In his ridiculousness he said that snorting the aspirin helped him to drink more without getting sick.  Theoda thought, Yep, Ridiculous Rodney was appropriately named and she would make sure he got what he deserved for his silliness.

     All of a sudden Paula the Prison Bird wakes from her stupor and says, “Okay, the last time we saw that Anthonystjoseph thing he was in this area coming up.”  Theoda pushed Rodney over on the rear seat of the clown car and started scanning the surrounding desert for the whereabouts of Anthonystjoseph.  He would not escape them this time if she had anything to do with it.  She would blast his silly ass with the Nuclear Powered Grenade Launcher herself as if her life depended on it, and she felt it did!



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