Saturday, October 10, 2015

Convertible Clowns XVI: The Battle for Annabelle




     Annabelle was a young child who had still not, nor ever would, succumb to the weaknesses of being a human; she would always hold that of a child’s heart in her soul.  Where other children had learned selfish ways, she did not.  Where other children had learned to covet, she had not.  Where other children had learned to be envious, she did not.  Annabelle still and would always see the world as a beautiful place and humans as beautiful souls.  Annabelle was special that way.  Annabelle was also special because she had been chosen by God himself to spread a special message with her life and that message would lead mankind to a better understanding and a step forward in its evolution to a better place.

     The Dark Lord knew this about Annabelle and chose to do all he could to distract, disparage and destroy her character in order to mainly destroy her message and the possibility of it ever getting out.  For the Dark Lord wanted mankind to stay in its adolescent age of spiritual evolution.  He felt that as long as mankind stayed spiritually devolved then it would continue to provide him with more clowns and baby demons; and in the end, more subjects. 

     The Dark Lord had dispatched one of his most sinister demons in the form of Treacherous Tina and had two of the most evil creations of time in Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky to do all they could to distract, disparage, and destroy Annabelle and he put all of his faith in their efforts.  Treacherous Tina was the first to descend on Annabelle’s world and she did so in the dark of night.  As Annabelle slept, Treacherous Tina hovered over her bed and placed hideous thoughts and diabolical baby demons in Annabelle’s dreams in order to torture Annabelle’s peace of mind and well-being.  At times Annabelle would wake up screaming and not know why.  Annabelle’s father would rush into her bedroom and comfort her and stay with her as she went back to sleep while Treacherous Tina hovered in the room unseen with a smile on her face.  It surprised and bothered Tina that when Annabelle awoke in the mornings she never seemed to show any effects from all of Tina’s nefarious torture sessions.  Tina shook it off and knew that the nightmares were only stage one in her process.

     Stage two she would assign to her idiot cohorts, the two idiotic yet diabolical clowns, Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky.  In Tina’s plan to distract, disparage, and destroy Annabelle’s Godly mission she would have the clowns follow her by day and every now and then when no one was looking, the clowns would reveal themselves to Annabelle and send her into stark raving madness with their hideous demeanors of distorted physicality.  Rarely could a human see a clown from the underworld in all of its hideous glory and come out with their sanity intact.  Annabelle would be no different.  Treacherous Tina laughed out loud at the idea of Annabelle screaming her saintly brains out in school at the sight of the diabolical clowns unseen by all others.

     Annabelle saw the clowns for the first time on her way to school on a Monday.  At first, she refused to see the clowns and pretended they weren’t there at all.  Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky laughed and smiled to themselves as they had seen this trick before; they knew very well that Annabelle could see them following her on her way to school.  They laughed there creepy laughs together as they said out loud, “Annabelle, what’s the matter? You can’t see us!”  Annabelle had been raised to be a Christian, if she had been raised in another religion she would have chosen a different method but she was a Christian; so all of a sudden she turned and faced the clowns as they stared at her a little startled by her clear and present strength.  Annabelle suddenly said, “I rebuke you in the name of JESUS!  Our father, who art in Heaven…”  Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky screamed like little girls and burst into red clouds as they fled the scene and left Annabelle alone. 

     Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky found Treacherous Tina and with their legs shaking told her what had happened.  Tina hauled off and smacked both Craig and Chucky together at one time with one swat.  Their heads bounced into each other as they explained, “We didn’t want to be turned into clouds of dust like the Dark Lord was when Anthonystjoseph pulled that ‘Our Father’ trick on him.”  Treacherous Tina screamed, “You fools!  That only works when they are TOUCHING you!  At least I think that’s the way it works.  Anyway, she’s just a small child!  Now you have given her more strength in her beliefs!  You silly clowns!  Go away from me!”  Treacherous Tina was seething mad.  Her plan was not going as well as she had planned; in fact, her plan was not going at all. 

     Apollo and I had departed the spiritual realm on high and had arrived on Earth and traveled to the small town that Annabelle lived in.  We spotted the dark luminous clouds of clown dust that was often left behind from the clowns horrid body smells and dark thoughts.  Apollo flew swifter than the wind as we landed near the ominous clouds.  Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky were oblivious to Apollo and I as we approached them from the rear as they awaited Annabelle’s departure from school.  I dismounted from Apollo and slowly walked up to the two hideous clowns recently dispatched from the underworld.  I announced myself as I drew my sword, “Hello Craig; hello Chucky.”  They slowly turned in obvious fear and faced me as again in recent history their legs started to shake.  The cowardly killers weren’t so brave when they weren’t facing the back of an old woman on a steep stairwell. 

     Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky stared at Apollo and I and took notice of my new angelic appearance with my angelic armor.  They got their courage back and remembered they were two of the best serial killers Eastern Europe had ever produced.  They simultaneously and sinisterly said, “Hello Mister Anthonystjoseph, what brings you to this neck of the woods.”  I responded quickly, unceremoniously, and in a non-talkative move I loped off Lucky Chucky’s head with one swift swing of my sword.  Chucky’s body turned to dust and was immediately sent back to the underworld as Craig screamed in anger and horror.  I stood firm as Apollo whinnied in approval.  Creepy Craig crouched in anger and started to run at me as I jumped in the air and spun three hundred and sixty degrees before lunging through the air towards Creepy Craig and slicing him in half separating his upper body from his lower.  The upper half of his body fell to the ground as I landed and he with only a torso tried to reach for me with his arms while screaming, “I will kill you I swear, and if I don’t kill you I know Treacherous Tina will.”  I slowly walked up to him as his upper body bled out into the earth and then said, “Don’t worry Craigy!  She’s next on my list.  Annabelle will be free of you and that thing you call Tina.”  As I raised my sword to deal the final blow of deliverance and send him back to the underworld I said, “Say hello to the Dark Lord for me, and tell your brother to take a bath.”  With one move I beheaded Creepy Craig and then returned to Apollo as Craig’s headless body parts turned to dust and he returned from which he came.  Now it was time to find the demon Treacherous Tina and deal with her promptly so she couldn’t disturb Annabelle any longer.

     I mounted my horse and friend Apollo and we were off to find the demon Treacherous Tina.  Whereas we were both able to see the clown dust in order to find the clowns, Apollo was more adept at spotting the stygian spiritual chord that connected the demons to the underworld.  Apollo flew through the earthly sky and then came upon Annabelle’s house.  Then I saw it and more to the point, I saw her.  There standing next to a tree in Annabelle’s backyard was the demon Tina herself feeling comforted in the fact that she could not be seen by humans unless she wanted to be seen.  Apollo descended towards the tree and landed where Treacherous Tina could see us.  I dismounted and stood face to face with Tina.  I said, “Hello Tina, or should I say Mary, as in Bloody Mary.”

     “Say whatever you want.  They will be your last words on Earth once again you self-righteous mongrel.”  I laughed and replied, “Getting your insults straight from the Dark Lords mouth huh?”  She started to laugh her demonic laugh and I raised my right arm and opened my palm towards her.  In a tactical move I learned in training my palm released a large luminescent sphere of light that transfixed Treacherous Tina in a hypnotic state.  The luminescent sphere was a tool taught in training that no demon could resist.  She couldn’t move while she just stared at the sphere as its ethereal qualities and powers held her steadfast.  I slowly and with determination approached her as she stared up into the sphere transfixed by its power.  I got very close to her as I knew she could see and hear me but she was still unable to move while the powers of the sphere held her in place.  With strength and conviction I withdrew the dagger from my waist belt and slowly plunged it through her heart as I whispered in her ear as she was still unable to move, “Say hello to your master from his favorite little mongrel.”  Her presence and essence was vanquished in a cloud of blue dust.

     Annabelle was free to go about her life and was never bothered by the Dark Lord or his minions again.  I had accomplished my first Heavenly mission with my trusted horse and friend Apollo.  Annabelle later accomplished her chosen mission and became known as a great teacher throughout the world.  It became clear to most that with her in the world the world had become a better place.  When she passed away at the age of ninety-three years old, the first souls she met in the afterlife were Apollo and myself.  We greeted her with pride, respect, and admiration.



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