Thursday, October 8, 2015

Convertible Clowns XV: Creepy Craig & Lucky Chucky




     Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky were inseparable since the moment of their birth as twins on Earth in human form over a thousand years ago.  Since then they had been cast down to the Underworld for being two of the most malicious, cowardice, and sadistic killers known to their region of Eastern Europe at the time.  As twins they had developed that rare trait of some twins of creating their own language to communicate with one another.  Most people considered them idiots because they were always gibbering in some unknown language to each other and laughing themselves senseless over seemingly nothing.  Often when their laughter grew out of control it was a sign that they were planning to kill someone.  They were idiots alright, but they were murderous idiots.

     Creepy Craig was of course the worse between the two since he was the one who first introduced Lucky Chucky to the act of murder.  When they were three years old, Creepy Craig crept up behind their nanny and pushed her down the stairs and then Lucky Chucky just giggled as the sixty year old woman fell down the two flights of circular stairs.  When the elderly nanny hit the bottom of the stairs as blood trickled out of her mouth with her head in a ninety degree angle to her neck the twins uttered their first secret word from their secret language; Lucky Chucky said, “Snigadidiggity!”  Which to them meant ‘kill’.  They were a set of genetically inclined murderous sociopathic killers from birth.  The worst murder of their prepubescent years was yet to come. 

     Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky would start a reign of terroristic murder sprees that would last until their deaths at the age of twenty three.  After killing the nanny and acting as if nothing happened when their parents got home they started to plot their next act of murder.  The one person they hated the most since they could remember was their very own mother.  She was always pawing on them and touching them and interrupting their fun conversations.  They hated her obsessive moments of bothering them more than anything. 

     They had decided that with their mother they would use the same act of murder that they used on their nanny which eventually became their signature move.  They would push their very own mother down the stairs just as they did the nanny but this time they would use the basement stairs.  They had decided that they liked the victim falling down the stairs because the body would bounce and clunk all of the way down as the victim screamed in horror.  They couldn’t wait to catch their mother alone in the huge sixteen bedroom home and lure her to the basement stairs and then push her to her doom.

     The day had finally come when all of the servants had been given the day off and their father had gone out for a forgotten errand.  Lucky Chucky called out to his mother for help near the basement entrance.  Creepy Craig was hiding in the hall closet across from the basement entrance to the stairwell with the closet door opened.  The stairs to the basement were made of concrete so this death would be so much more brutal than the death of the nanny; they couldn’t wait.  Lucky Chucky said, “Look mom, I have an owie!”  As their mother bent down to see the wound on Lucky Chucky’s knee that unbeknownst to her was self-inflicted, Creepy Craig lunged out from the closet and pushed his very own mother down the cement basement stairs to her doom in a viscous act of matricide as they both giggled and said out loud in perfect harmony, “Snigadidiggity!” 

     When their father got home and found the twins asleep in their beds and then later found his wife at the bottom of the basement stairs he didn’t even think the three year olds had anything to do with his wife’s death.  He simply thought it was a coincidence of life that both the nanny and his wife had fallen down stairs to their deaths in his large home.  As the deaths surrounding the twins increased more and more as they got older the villagers and towns people became more and more suspicious. 

     The trouble for Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky came when they decided to kill a local nun.  The nun was popular with all of the kids of their school growing up yet Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky themselves despised her.  They could and would never forgive her for the time she made them stand in opposite corners of the back of the classroom as a form of punishment with Creepy being in one corner of the back of the room and Lucky being in the other; they were separated and they hated her for it.  They also hated the fact that she always looked at them like they were evil and she knew something they didn’t.  They decided they would catch her in the church itself, her so called ‘House of God’, when she was all alone.  They knew she put out the candles in the church every night so they devised their plan.

     They waited up in the choir section for her to come in late in the evening and perform her duty of putting out the candles.  They had also made the decision to do it on a Saturday night so her body would be found right before church service on the following Sunday.  Yes, Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky were destined to meet and serve the Dark Lord and they didn’t even know it. 

     At twenty three years of age they watched the nun come in from the rear side door behind the Altar of the church and they slowly snuck down the stairwell from the choir area.  As the nun had her back turned towards them while she put out the candles at a candle altar, Lucky Chucky swung one of the church’s huge three foot brass candle holders and hit the nun in the back of the head as she fell to the ground and they both proceeded to giggle and silently say to each other as the nun bled out, “Snigadidiggity”.  What they didn’t know was that a priest was in the confessional and at the last minute looked out and saw exactly what they both had just done.  He had opened the confessional door right as Lucky Chucky swung the fatal blow with the candle holder.  He silently shut the confessional door in fear and waited for the two sociopathic murderers to leave.

     After Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky left the church the priest roused all the villagers and townspeople and told them exactly what had happened.  The people of the village all gathered with pitchforks and torches and went out to the huge mansion and drug Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky out from their home and to their early deaths at the young age of twenty three.  They were both hung from trees that stood at the entrance to their grand manor.  The villagers and townspeople thought it was fitting since they always knew the house itself was cursed.

     Creepy Craig and Lucky Chucky awoke in the grand throne room of the Dark Lord.  There they were given there diabolical twin clown looks to spend the rest of time serving the Dark Lord and his evil bidding.


All works copyrighted © and protected by law

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