Friday, February 19, 2016

Cassandra VIII: The Choosing




     Tammy, Stephanie, and Steve as Cassandra’s closest family sat in a small room and discussed the progress of Cassandra and her memory returning.  They were so happy with her progress and Steve professed that Cassandra had felt their ancient and familiar love immediately.  Steve couldn’t be happier with the return of his soulmate and no one in this room was going to stop the two of them from getting back together again.

     Steve looked around the room at his two sisters, Tammy and Stephanie.  He thought about the centuries on top of centuries, rather, millennia on top of millennia that they had returned to their family and rebirth after rebirth, he and Cassandra had never forgotten their love.  The real truth was that they were all direct descendants of Eve and even though modern legend referred to their kind as vampires as in the fact that they lived forever; they had the myth very confused.  Only the dark ones in the family had chosen to get into the art or act of drinking blood.  Blood was never necessary to their kind and never would be.  They actually lived forever because upon their rebirth into a new life, or new body as Steve thought to himself was more aptly put, they remembered their previous existence and always in some way sought out the family. 

     Ramon was the leader of the dark ones and had become a comical, eccentric, caricature of his own minds creation.  He practiced dark arts and embarrassed almost everyone in the family with the way he used mortal humans for his own personal amusement.  He had developed a large cultish following that believed he had special powers and granted, he did have a few, but nothing compared to what he thought in his own mind.  Stephanie in her longevity in her current lifeform could wipe Ramon off the face of the earth at any time but they had all vowed long ago to never destroy or harm one another so she let him live in his fantasy world that he had created with his human castoffs. 

     They sat in the room waiting for Cassandra to arrive and hoped she would once again choose the family and rejoin.  Steve had no doubt she would walk through the door.  Tammy and Stephanie weren’t so sure.  A few, very few, had decided in the past to not rejoin the family.  Very few had decided to leave what was known in the spiritual world as ‘The Eternals’.

     Tammy had finally sat Cassandra down along with Stephanie and informed her of the family and all that it meant.  Cassandra listened as Stephanie as the leader of the clan informed her of her ancestry and how as descendants of Eve they lived forever through what she would know as reincarnation.  Cassandra had known all along she was different and had long ago accepted that she had lived before so it wasn’t as unbelievable to her as one would think.  She listened as Tammy explained that the drug Chrystal Meth was just used because it sped up ones thinking process but it was not a drug they recommended or even used.  Stephanie laughed when Cassandra said, “Good, because I was getting tired of the stuff and I saw how badly it has been affecting my friends.”

     Cassandra jumped and looked startled, “Then why do you sell it!?”  Stephanie laughed and responded, “We just did this as a temporary thing to bring out certain family members who had recently been reborn.  We have found that speeding up the thinking process helps the rebirth go a lot smoother.  We have no need or desire to be in the drug trade.  You must be able to imagine that money is no object of concern for us since we have been around since the invention of the actual idea of money.”  Tammy interjected, “Cassandra, all of your money from your previous lives is in your own accounts that only you and your soulmate know of.”  Cassandra began to cry as she thought of Steve…  She immediately knew that he was her soulmate and her husband and started to cry even harder with tears of joy.  Her memory started returning at that moment.  She left Tammy and Stephanie and returned to her apartment in a fog of remembrance.  Although she was in a fog, she had a new strength and conviction in who she was and the fact that all she had felt her entire life was true.  She was different.

      She left her apartment and knew that it would be the last time that she would see it and its belongings.  She had made her choice. 

     She walked up to the large home that she remembered from her former life.  The butler opened the door and then she approached the study.  She opened the door and walked in and there he sat.  She walked up to Steve in his tuxedo and kissed him passionately as he returned the kiss with even more passion.  She remembered everything and knew that she would not have to go through this situation again for hundreds of years as their lifespan was longer than normal human beings. 

     She held Steve as she looked forward to a life full of puddles and he held her as he himself looked forward to a lifetime of making it rain.

     They walked out of the house to leave the city and return to their true home and that’s when they saw him.  Across the street, there he stood.  Cassandra screamed!



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