Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What I Write Part II




     In February, I gave you the story of love about Cassandra and the Eternals which was a story I crafted about spiritual love.  True, it was a story with Anthonystjoseph turns and spiritual ups and downs that you know I like to craft, but it was a story of true love.  I warned you that all of my writings in March were going to be about darkness which we all have to experience in our world where the Sun always goes down.  I felt bad about sharing a lot of night so I told myself in February when I planned out March’s works of sharing necessary darkness I was intended to share that I would spread nothing but light in the following month of April in everything I printed.  I planned then at that time in February that the month following March would be the month of love and that month would be April.

     I always meet people in my daily life who seem to enjoy my presence and I theirs.  Of course I meet others that I could do without meeting but I love the encounters that seemed deigned to happen that end in positive results. 

     I have been down lately because of certain events in my life that I have wanted to go this way but they have chosen to go that way.  I am in a part of the country at this present time after having traveled for the last three years that I had no idea I would be in and did not want to be in.  As usual, I am still enjoying my life but I really pictured and envisioned another part of the country for myself at this point.  But since I turned my life over to the higher powers of the universe and said, “I’ll let you be the guide”; I have been guided and led to magical places and so I must follow. 

     I met a young woman in February before I started writing and sharing some words from the ‘dark of night’ and shared nice words with her as she had chosen to share sentiments with me.  Then all of a sudden she uttered those words that I believe, those words we all hear, those words I currently curse; she said in response to my disdain of this city I am in, “Everything happens for a reason!”

     I gritted my teeth because at times I want to shake people who say such a thing as ‘everything’ which in itself is ludicrous because I of all people share and believe in the very sentiment the words provoke.  But there are times when even I with all of my proof, fall into dark shadows of despair; yes, the mischievous spirits of the night even deter me who has seen the light and the fruits of spirituality so many times that God himself and the universe has probably said, “Do I have to prove myself to that boy AGAIN!”

     I stood there and smiled as she said again, “Everything happens for a reason.”  I smiled and our conversation continued and I shared some more words of my own learned wisdom with her and then we parted.  I went home and wrote some words to her as I knew I would see her again.  The next time I saw her, in the month of March, our conversation picked up as if it had never stopped as we shared and smiled continually at each other.  I reiterated how I just never planned on ending up in the city that we are in and how I was desperately wanting to leave it.  She went into the ol’ ‘everything happening for a reason’ line and she actually said she was praying I didn’t leave!  I told her ‘how dare she’ and we both laughed pretty hard.  I told her I would say bye when I left!  We laughed again.

     Then I told her about the words I had written about meeting her and how her words inspired and gave me a charge of hope into my sinking feelings at the time.  I told her I would share the words with her that she inspired me to write. 

     It is the middle of March now and I am in the middle of sharing my words that I consider harsh.  I reread the words that I came home upon meeting her the first time and had written.  I hadn’t decided if I would put them in a card for her or how I would deliver the words that she put into my heart with her presence.  As I reread the words, I realized that they were another piece for me to publish; they were true words, as all my words are, of deeper meaning, and meant to be shared with all.  They were in my opinion, words of wisdom.  I love it when my heart speaks eloquently and I consider it a gift.  She made me feel hope and I wanted to thank her and let her know that she was a person who spread hope.  My words stated it very well as I read them.

     I decided that the words were words of Love and were perfect for the month of April which I had decided in February would only be a month of Love.  I titled the piece, ‘Your Light’. 

     All of a Sudden it hit me!  I had to ask her what was her name since the last time we met was at her job and I had never looked at her name tag.  We had just conversed like old friends who knew each other as I have a tendency to do with people.  So it hit me that I had to ask her name; when I asked her name she pointed to her name tag and I saw it, she said, “My name is April”.



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