Thursday, January 2, 2014

They Did It!





     It was the first full night of sleep in the year two thousand and fourteen, I awoke after having the most chilling dream.  It was a lot more realistic and thorough than the dream of the same sort I had as a child.  It was a dream of the end; the end for all of us.  The end that politics, men, and their stupidity have possibly created for us all.

     I was in Arizona walking with a friend and I ended up in a house where I was moving in.  I was talking with this friend when the ground started to shake.  The house even started to move and things started to fall.  The whole world it seemed was shaking and all.  We joked to each other that it was an earthquake in ‘Arizona’.  The earthquake stopped.  Then I half joked and thought that there was a nuclear bomb that went off somewhere and then as we turned a fleet of personal boats went by being carted on the railroad tracks at rapid speed going west. 

     The sky was blue and the sun was shining.  The weather looked great aside from the quake.  Something in my soul at the sign of the ships, the ships going west, told me that this was really a mess.  They had finally done it.  Someone somewhere had set off a nuclear bomb and we all know that they don’t come in ones.   Nuclear bombs bring a whole new meaning to ‘one and done’.  It was then and only then that I made the decision that I needed a gun.

     My friend and I went into a pawn shop that was owned by another friend and I explained that I felt I needed a gun.  I again, jokingly told them that the earthquake was no earthquake and the time had come.  I asked for the least expensive gun that they had and he showed me a used handgun in its case for twenty nine dollars and ninety nine cents.  I handed him my credit card as the sky turned to gray.  I turned to look out the window at the sky turning gray and then all of a sudden the clouds lowered to almost touch the ground.  The clouds looked as if they were new to what was going on and even they did not know how to react.  Then the clouds turned to dark blue green and just gave up and started dripping like clay turned to liquid and then I knew that it was true.  THEY HAD DONE IT!  I turned back to everyone in the darkened pawn shop as we all knew it was true and through a tear filled crumpled face I said, “They did it, they finally did it”.

     I picked up my gun and gave him my credit card and went to put in my bullets and awoke.  My television was still on from the night before and the credits to a movie were rolling.  The movie was, ‘Kingdom Of Heaven’.



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  1. My dream was after everything happened. Compassion was gone from the survivors.

    1. If your dreams are as realistic as mine and you don't know you're dreaming like I don't ~ You really experienced the realness of 'them' doing it~ It's was a little traumatic for me ~ thinking they ruined our world.
