Wednesday, June 12, 2013






     As a young man determining a future career I always considered becoming a lawyer but felt that I was too passionate for the frequently common occurrences of injustices that occur in today’s legal system.  I considered the profession because it was a place where I could exercise my need to help the meek and overwhelmed.  If you are familiar with my stories then you know my passion tends to want to make things better…  One large problem with becoming a lawyer is the company one would have to keep as in some of the other lawyers.  As a lawyer one can be a great thinker who methodically processes the laws of legislature combined with the laws of mankind while being largely seasoned with the laws of nature.  The problem with some lawyers and the legal system as a whole is that you have renegade lawyers and judges who just feel that they know what is right when in fact, they don’t.  These particular lawyers are as blind to the laws they are upholding as the Statue of Justice they put in legal halls. The Statue of Justice is blinded by the blindfold that they put on.

     What solidified my decision to not enter the law, a decision I do regret, was a movie I saw in my earlier decision making years called, ‘And Justice for All’.  In this movie a judge knowingly and frivolously leaves a man in prison for a broken tail light over a technicality.  The young man eventually takes his own life in prison over the injustice he can no longer gather the need to live through.  Although this situation was hypothetical, I arose from the television knowing it does happen and that I myself could probably end up in prison if I witnessed a judge do such actions to one of my clients.  I had to pass on the law for my own safety.  I decided to take the same blindfold the statue was wearing and pass. 

     I later met a woman who came to call herself my stepmom as I lovingly refer to her as my stepmother who happened to be an attorney herself.  I was once in a car with this attorney stepmother and she absolutely lost her mind and went completely off her rocker.  She went completely ballistic and pulled an all out Anthonystjoseph.  She started yelling, just like me.  She started foaming at the mouth, just like me.  She started making sense, just like me.  She didn’t care what you thought, just like me.  She was completely passionate about her stance; JUST LIKE ME!  Dang!  Maybe I could have been a lawyer?  No, my decision was correct; my stepmother was pulling a temporary Anthonystjoseph while I’m living a permanent Anthonystjoseph…

     Just recently, a judge named Kathleen McHugh in a Florida court sentenced an athlete to THIRTY days in jail for patting his lawyer on the rear end when he was prompted by her and asked how the he felt about his lawyer.  The said athlete was in court over a domestic violence case which is a very serious topic and should be taken very seriously indeed but an at-a-boy butt slap to his attorney is not an offense warranting jail time by any means of the law.  In her sentencing of this athlete to thirty days in jail for the ‘at-a-boy’, it says more about Judge Kathleen McHugh then it does the defendant or the offense.  When a judge or lawyer makes the law or their decisions about them and not the law then that judge or lawyer has clearly lost their way and should permanently leave the courtroom and put on a blindfold to practicing the law because they are committing malpractice in a gross way. 

     Generally, when a gross injustice is handed out publicly in the legal system the wagons are circled and all the legal practitioners involved say nothing.  In this Florida ‘thirty day’ sentence of incarceration for an at-a-boy butt tap, the case has become different.  Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has publicly stated that Judge Kathleen McHugh’s actions shed more of a light on Judge McHugh’s ‘Judicial Temperament’ then the subject matter that was before the court.  I would like to personally go on record stating that Pam Bondi is a lighthouse in the den of blindfold producing practitioners of the law.  Legal practitioners like Judge Kathleen McHugh should be tarred and feathered and run out of the courtroom and away from traumatizing people’s lives due to their own personal issues, agendas, wants, and desires.  As a judge or lawyer you are there to think, appraise, deliberate, and decide in a thoughtful manner devoid of your personal baggage.  Where is my blindfold?

     And by the way, the Statue of Justice would like to thank you for blindfolding her to the atrocities that are committed in her name in your walls of so called justice.



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