Thursday, December 6, 2012

American Politics




     So many people are so passionate about American Politics…  The fascination is a good thing as it shows that generally people ARE concerned about making this world a better place.  That’s probably the only good thing that I can say about American Politics.  The American Political systems, like many other political systems around the globe, generally tend to be archaic structures thought of by creatures of old in order to control the public via deceptive measures designed and instituted to sooth and of course deceive the public en masse.

     The main PROBLEM with the American Political System is the same problem with the American Judicial System…  They both are under the false impression that they involve SIDES.  The political system is comprised of the Democratic Side and the Republican Side; the Judicial System is comprised of the Prosecution’s side and the Defense’s side.  Politics and freedom should NOT be a ‘side’ issue when it comes to our fellow man.  Politics is an ‘US’ issue.  FREEDOM most of all should always be an ‘US’ issue.  It’s not our side and their side because it’s never that simple.  There’s a reason The Statue of Justice wears a blindfold in the courtrooms of today and that reason is that even SHE doesn’t want to see the supposed acts of justice that they commit in her name using their ‘sides’ and calling it ‘justice’…  Until they learn, until WE learn that it’s NOT about ‘sides’, and it’s only about ‘US’; were never going to escape this present age of serious darkness and delusion that OUR politics and OUR judicial system are immersed in and represent each and every day.

     It’s not about Democrat and Republican because it’s JUST US.  It’s not about the Prosecution and the Defense because it’s JUST US.  It’s always going to be JUST US no matter how you figure it.  So realize and recognize that we are JUST US and not US and THEM.


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