Saturday, October 13, 2012






          On this day, a previous lesson was learned, I should say viewed, in its entirety.

     Charlie, a dog, had carried a rock into the house and was playing with it.  The rock landed on a heating vent in the floor and this totally dismayed Charlie.  I was immediately intrigued by the fact that Charlie recognized he was in a quandary.  He was circling the vent and intensely eyeing the rock.  I realized he had lost previous favorite rocks down this vent and was intent on not losing this one.   The task was on. 

     He pawed at the carpet making sure to not in any way touch the vent and send this rock where the others went; down the vent and away from him and his fun.  He circled the vent several more times eyeballing the rock and letting out that moan that all dogs do when they pray to their God.  Then, as casually and as delicately as possible he licked the rock with his tongue and then paused to wait and see the results of the lick.  The lick moved the rock slightly closer to the carpet but didn’t cause it to go down the vent.  Partial success achieved.  He licked and backed away, he paused, he licked and backed away, and he paused again.  He circled the vent again.  He then licked and paused, and then licked and paused.  He circles, he licks.  The rock is suddenly on the carpet and again available for play.  Charlie is overjoyed and has accomplished a victory. 

     The thought had occurred to me in the beginning to get the rock for him ~ me knowing how ~ myself in this case being the higher sentient realized the fun he was having.  The fun he was having of learning something new and the grasp of the all needed sense of accomplishment.  So I, as THEY, let HIM struggle, let HIM live, and let HIM learn.  Had I got the rock for him, his growth would be stunted.  He would be unable, at that point, to get rocks on his own until I was gone and he would be forced to learn at that time, and coincidentally back on course, but behind.  I watched as THEY watch.  I enjoyed as THEY enjoy.  I too was happy as HE achieved HIS prize as THEY are happy when WE achieve OURS.



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