Tuesday, November 22, 2016

It's Hard Out Here For A Hoe




     In this wonderful garden that was supposedly built and supplied with fruit by some precious God, it’s hard for those of us who appear and feel to be his tools.  So yeah, what I’m trying to say; it’s hard out here for a hoe. 

     It is perfectly clear to me that some of us are tools for the ‘grid’, tools for the grand ‘Chancellor of the Exchequer’ of souls in his garden.  Hoes!  Hoes to work in his garden!  Well let me tell you, it’s hard.  This Chancellor has seemed fascinated with me and it seems there are other spiritual elements in our garden who know I’m a Hoe and want to use me as well.  The hidden and grand puppeteer seems at times to be amused at my struggles.  

     Then there are times that it is almost completely overwhelming.  Thankfully, I’m a hoe forged in the fire from steel like my maternal grandmother.  Not only did I recognize the obviously manufactured matrix we dwell in on this planet; but the matrix recognized me!  This matrix laughs at me in even fashioning a movie titled ‘The Matrix’ and names its main character after me called ‘Mr. Anderson’; ‘Anderson’ is my last name.  Mr. Anderson is told in the movie to chase the rabbit!  I was born during the year of the rabbit.  Purely coincidental, possibly.  But if these crazy ‘rabbits’ didn’t chase me my whole life until I started seeing them, I would agree.

     I was around thirty years old when I realized that all of my best friends in the various places I lived had been named Paul.  Due to my mother’s job I had usually moved every two to three years.  This had me scratching my head and pondering even more.  It was a true ponder because in hindsight I realized that these Pauls’ weren’t really my friends.  They were people who sought me out in an effort to lead me down a certain path.  The funny thing is, I was born in St. Paul; St. Paul, Minnesota.  The twin cities.  Born under the sign of Gemini.  I also at that same time realized that the only best friend I had who wasn’t named Paul was named Martin; my mother’s name was Martine…    

     Just recently, I was driving through Florida at a normal speed on the highway and went past a cop car that was hidden in the bushes.  I, as a black man, quickly looked at my odometer.  I was within the speed limit.  A Black man living in this grid knows to beware that a normal traffic stop can end your life or take your freedom just because the cop is having a bad day, or for some of them, a good day!  So I continue to drive and look at my white tee shirt and get the idea that I am going to start wearing all white from head to toe!  Several cars behind me pass the cop car as I check my rearview mirror and I am in the clear.  About a half a mile pass the speed trap I see the cop car pull out when I look in my rearview mirror and I think, ‘He got some poor bastard’.  This cop car passes all of these other cars and pulls up on the side of me after having gone a mile to catch up to me.  I had put my seatbelt on before he got up beside me as I am not prone to wearing one, they make me uncomfortable.  He then falls back behind me and turns on his siren and pulls me over!  Are you kidding me! 

     He walks up to my car and asks for my credentials.  I give them to him and he tells me he pulled me over for not wearing a seatbelt!  Long story short, after he gives me my ticket; he pauses and tells me, “If you weren’t wearing a white tee shirt I wouldn’t have seen that you weren’t wearing your seatbelt so easy’.  Are you kidding me!  Is this grid master reading my mind and phucking with me on that level too!  I had just been thinking of wearing all white and then this clown cop stops me and comes with a message!  This kind of freakiness happens to me all the time!  As I said, it can be unsettling but for some reason I roll with it.  Don’t get me wrong, I have and have appeared to be overwhelmed at times but for some reason I have maintained my sanity.  Thank MY stars for that.

     I have looked down from the window of an airplane and seen a shadow of the perfect silhouette of the airplane I was on with a complete circle rainbow surrounding it a week after writing a powerful children’s story about a rainbow.  The story I wrote about the rainbow was almost like a message I received from above.  Back to the crazy; all of these spiritual things happen to me again and again and as I said, the puppeteer is at work!  I seriously feel like the Sun follows me during the day and the Moon watches me at night!  Naw, it ain’t that serious, but I just love that line when I thought of it the other day when planning this piece and it makes me laugh so hard… “The sun follows me during the day and the moon watches me at night” ~Anthonysjoseph, you heard it here first!

     The night after I finished writing this piece I saw a bright light that seemed to be illuminating my kitchen window.  I looked out the blinds and saw a full moon lighting up my whole front yard staring at me through the window.  I have lived here for two years and I have never seen the moon out of that window or light it up like that.  It’s almost like the Universe and the moon are letting me know.  Yeah brother, we’re watching you.  It’s a crazy and magical world I live in and occupy and it’s not just in my head.  The trick is to not let it affect my head…  As in maintaining my sanity and knowing there are elements in this world that we are not necessarily aware of.

     I was driving down the highway on my way to the West Coast when I saw the perfect illuminated star constellation of the constellation Orion on my overhead visor.  I stared at it and then I tried to touch it with my hand to see if it was a discoloration on the gray visor; it moved.  I then realized the constellation moved because it was a reflection from one of my diamond rings.  Lo and behold the constellation Orion is reflected from my ring.  Just another shout out from the Exchequer of Souls.  I couldn’t believe it but at the same time it was another factual occurrence letting me know that this mess is real.  Letting me know that I know that he knows that I know that he knows that I know!

     In truth, I’m actually getting tired of this story.  And anyone who knows me knows.  When I get tired of a story, I leave! 

     Anyway, once again, back to the crazy, or you might be thinking by now, ‘continuing the crazy’, you call them coincidences; I call them, ‘shit I don’t trust’!  This la la happens to me all the time.  I once had a pizza boy ask to step into my apartment because he had an important message for me.  This pizza boy went on to tell me he traveled a million miles to talk to me!  The ‘pizza boy’ incident is an amazing chapter in my memoir.  Let me tell you folks, this world is filled with magic!  A clear example, the writer Mark Twain was born the week Haley’s Comet passed through our solar system and was visible to Earth.  It is visible to us and passes through our solar system every seventy six years like clockwork.  Seventy six years later after Mark Twain’s birth it passed through again and he passed away and left our world that very same week.  Magical spirituality was in effect and giving us a clue that another one of us was one of the Grid Masters tools, Mark Twain!  Another Hoe!

     My memoir is filled with so much wonder and objectively told that it had to be written.  I feel it should be read.  The Grid Master actually sent messages through others that I should write it.  It may or may not be read by many.  Some Hoes are used in a small part of the garden and some hoes are used in larger parts.  I am thankful that I have met countless people throughout my life that I have affected in positive ways and happy that I know I am and have been a successful hoe. 

     Now let me get to the reason and purpose of this piece.  Last month I decided I was going to publish some chapters from my memoir on my blog.  Okay, just something I thought in my mind.  But here again, the Grid Master is up in my head too.  So I sit down to watch National Geographic’s new documentary ‘The Flood’ which was getting great reviews.  The first words heard in the documentary are of Leonardo Di’Caprio, the narrator, stating his first memory was a picture above his crib.  Are you kidding me!  That is the jest of the first words in my memoir!  This dude is all over my crib moment that I wrote four years ago!  I immediately snatched the remote in anger and turned off the television!  I thought to myself, I’m not going to publish any chapters…  People are going to think my crib story, or the idea of my crib story, which is completely different because of course it’s my story and not his, but the crib idea they will think, ‘that sounds familiar’…  Well, truth is, we all probably have crib stories.  At least a lot of us hoes probably do.  Memory is a tool of the hoe!

     A few moments passed and I decided to stick with my idea of publishing some of my chapters from my memoir on my blog because it is what I wanted to do.  What I am supposed to do.  The grand ‘Chancellor of the Exchequer’ of souls just wanted to give me my weekly and sometimes daily shout out from above.  They commonly say ‘It’s hard out here for a pimp’; well let me tell you this, ‘It’s harder out here for a Hoe!”

By Anthonystjoseph

All works copyrighted © and protected by law

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