Rocky has
been enjoying the easy life and just enjoying the fullness of life while
watching his son grow up and not worrying about the never seen again Sabrina. There were rumors she met a timely end at the
local zoo due to the fact that she was mistaken as a rare tiger cat.
One day
after Rocky and his son have had a great meal and are returning from the dog
park it happened.
Suddenly a
cat walked out of the alley and stopped right in front of Rocky and his son and
scared the bejesus out of both of them.
The cat was
the strangest looking cat Rocky had ever seen and for some unknown reason it
was the first cat that Rocky’s son had ever seen.
Well, this
was no ordinary cat. This was the rare
and strange breed known as a Scottish Fold and most people considered it one of
the ugliest breeds of all time in the entire species of the mammal.
Rocky and
his son stopped dead in their tracks and both had stopped breathing entirely as
oxygen and the ability to breath itself had instantaneously become as foreign
as the being in front of them.
As the
Scottish Fold cat stared at Rocky and his son and they stared back in an epic
stare down that would equate to another gunfight in Dodge City if Rocky and his
son weren’t so scared and looking like Don Knotts in ‘The Shakiest Gun in the
West’. Rocky was having flashbacks to
Sabrina and his Near Death Experience and his son was just scared on a genetic
level that he couldn’t understand.
Rocky’s son
spoke first and shook Rocky out of his post-traumatic stress syndrome state, he
said, “DAD! What in the hell is
that!” Saying his first curse word ever.
Rocky said,
“Now son, that’s a cat! Albeit, it’s the ugliest cat I have ever seen but it’s
a cat.”
“It looks
demonic dad. Is that like the demon cat
that Brad says you fought to the death, your death!”
“Real funny
son, real funny.”
As they both
stood still in the same exact spot that they first spotted the cat and as the
cat eyeballed them in its cockeyed and sinister manner they continued to
evaluate the situation.
“Now son,
that cat there is not a demon. As Brad apparently told you against my strong
suggestion he didn’t, Rocky has experience with demonic cats. And that cat right there is no demon. Granted, it is the ugliest cat Rocky has ever
seen. But Rocky knows demons and that’s
no demon.”
“Are you
sure dad? I mean look at it!”
“I’m sure
son. I will say that it does look a
little physically retarded which has probably led to it being a social outcast
which can project demon like qualities, but it don’t make it no demon.”
“Well, what
should we do dad?”
“First off,
since this is your first cat. We’re
lucky it’s no demon or even Sabrina herself.
So, what we’re going to do is not move first. We can’t show weakness to any cat! Do you hear me!?!”
“Yeah dad,
so what do we do?”
“Shut up and
learn kid. Shut up and learn.”
Ever since
Rocky’s Near Death Experience he hasn’t eaten one poodle or got into a fight
with one cat or dog; however, he does continue to steal Brad’s food off of the
table when his back is turned. Rocky is a new dog. He is a proud father and
wants to be a good role model for his son. But one thing Rocky is not going to
do; Rocky is not going to let this crooked looking cat harm his son.
Rocky stands
tall and prepares to protect his son and so he growls at the Scottish Fold cat.
The Scottish
Fold cat continues to stare and then wags his tail once to the left and turns
and hobbles off as Rocky and his son see that the Scottish Fold cat is missing
a rear leg.
Rocky in his
new found spirituality and feelings sheds a tear as he feels sorry for the ugly
cross eyed three legged cat that obviously has to scrounge for food in the
alley because no human will have it as a pet.
Rocky’s son
looks up at Rocky and sees the tear and laughs at his dad, “Are you crying
“Shut up
son. Rocky don’t cry!”
Rocky looks
down and sees a few drops of piss under his son and realizes his son in the
stare down of the past few minutes had leaked a little pee.
Rocky smiled
with pride and remembered the never mentioned time Sabrina had made him leak a
little urine.
remember son, like father like son. Rocky never cries and YOU never cry. And we also don’t piss on ourselves when we
see cats whether they be demons or not. Is that a deal?”
Rocky’s son
replies, “Deal”.
They get
home and Brad welcomes them as Rocky’s son yells to Brad, “Hey Brad! I saw my first cat today and it didn’t kill
me. It had crossed eyes and three legs
and made dad CRY!”
Rocky looked
down at this son and said, “You got a lot to learn son, a lot to learn.”
“You love
All works copyrighted
and protected by law

I don't care what you say, some of these Scottish Fold cats are UGLY and yet and still, some of them are cute... But isn't that the way life goes~