While trying to encourage me in my youth,
my grandmother once said to me, “I just hate to see such a brilliant mind go to
waste!” My grandmother was referring to
the fact that I was not pursuing any goals that she felt sufficient for my
bearing. The words she spoke to me haunt
me to this day; for I feel with the lack of parental guidance and discipline I
was given I will not share all I was capable of sharing. I am continually haunted by the fear of
having let myself and my path down in not sharing all of the truths I have come
to learn… The fear of having not learned
all the truths I was sent to learn… I do
feel we are sent… I do feel we are meant
to share… Once, I was even told by a
spiritual entity that I in particular was supposed to share.
All of these fears and haunts manifest
themselves in my thoughts and then I realize and tell myself, “I am not
Atlas”. I do not carry the weight of the
world on my shoulders alone. I have to
remind myself that there are many others that are also meant to share and many
others that help with the burden of spreading truth. And even if in my path I only help one person
get through a struggle; even if I only help one person smile; I will have done
my job… Because the truth is; I was only
sent to do the jobs I do.
My strength, understanding, and release
from the fear and haunts of not fulfilling my destiny come in the form of young
children who spout words of wisdom and tell me deep in my soul that they will
carry on the mission. My understanding also
comes from elders who help to spread the words and wisdoms of truth. I have always said and told people that the
body is a ‘rent-a-car’ and that it is
a vehicle that you are simply using and must turn in eventually and then
continue on your path: C.S. Lewis, as in the photo above, supposedly stated it
in a different way but says the same thing, “You don’t have a soul. You have a body. You ARE a soul.”
I am released from my haunts and my fears
because I am not here sharing alone.
All works copyrighted
and protected by law

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