Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Button Pushers




     This is about that special breed of human that in my opinion has a direct link to the dark side and needs to feed on getting you riled up by pushing your buttons.  That’s right, they enjoy getting on your nerves.  They pride themselves on being able to get under your skin.  You know that special kind of person who seems to take out their lifetime of unhappy on your good time.  For some reason I have seemed to be a magnet for this breed of animal since the beginning of my life.  These people I call ‘Button Pushers’ seem to draw energy from getting you riled up and only seem to enjoy their existence when they are getting under your skin and unnecessarily and for no reason at all pushing your buttons.  And believe me, they are experts at their diabolical job with seemingly years of training.  My biggest problem is wearing big buttons that are difficult to hide from these demonic offspring.

     One reason the button pushers love me is my strong reactions to their pushes.  And with my talent for the spoken word they have instantly inspired me on more than one occasion to utter some of my greatest work quotes.  Sometimes I can even hear their audiences in Hell saying, “Did you hear what she just made him say!  Did you hear what she made him do?!”  Yes, the Button Pusher can be inspiring but the inspiration leads to nothing worthy and just provides them with the birth of a ‘Goat’; The Button Pusher chooses to upset you to get to your Goat!  One has got to learn to allow this button pushing to not bother them in order to become a better person and a more evolved spirit.  The problem I have is I easily recognize Button Pushers and try to confront them for just wanting to push my buttons.  Why can I not learn to just realize they are simple demonic clowns trying to get enjoyment from my decreased enjoyment on top of seeing my Goat?

     You can usually easily spot these ‘Button Pushers’.  You’ll walk into a function or even a family dinner and the Button Pusher will have a chicken leg half way down their throat and when they see you come in they will totally pull the whole chicken leg back out of their mouth at the sight of you.  They lick their chops and inwardly smile at their entertainment arriving.  You spot each other from across the room as you try and ignore the devilish and inviting smile on their face and their diabolical eyebrow raising itself from drawing energy given to it by the Dark Lord as they say, “Oh! Hey you!  (licking their chops) I didn’t think you were going to make it with your dog dying and all!  I’m so sorry to hear about that.  How is everything else going?  The job going okay?”  I cannot stand them. 

     Then there is the button pusher you don’t know.  The Button Pusher who sees you waiting on their parking spot as they load their groceries into their car and decides to take extra time JUST because they know you’re waiting for their soon to be vacated parking spot.  They finally get into their car after taking their leisurely time loading their groceries, massaging their backs, and then they have to do everything in their car as if they are checking the navigational systems for a thirty five thousand feet flight plan!  I don’t let those kind of Button Pushers bother me anymore; I just patiently wait and laugh while they add extra time to their day. 

     I am fully intending on going to Heaven when this is all over and I am told that in Heaven there are no goats allowed so I have to stop letting Button Pushers bring out my Goat.  I guess the trick is, learn how to decrease the size or even possibly remove my buttons altogether, and whenever possible, wear zippers.



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