Sunday, September 27, 2015

Convertible Clowns XI: Rojalinda




     Rojalinda prided herself on being one of the most lethal demons to ever serve The Dark Lord if not the most lethal.  She had served him loyally for almost two thousand years and had committed her first murder in his name when she was still in human form back in the early days of Rome.   Her human name was Solame.

     Rojalinda loved her demonic presence that The Dark Lord had deigned to give her in her rebirth in the underworld.  Unlike the clowns of the underworld, Rojalinda was beautiful in her mind and the eyes of many others.  She loved her luminescent dark sky blue pallor that glowed eternally.  Her snake eyes that could see in the dark and the light, they glowed and stopped most creatures in their tracks which was good for her role in the underworld as a chief assassin.  The beauty of her upper face and eyes shrouded in the luminescent blue hooded cape she wore completely compensated for the lower part of her face being purely skeletal.  She didn’t mind the skeletal nose, mouth and jawbone because she never liked to smile anyway.  Even as a human, Rojalinda never smiled unless she was luring some idiotic human prey to their doom. 

     She pleasantly reminisced as she flew through the earthly skies having fled the angelic cougar who had sent many demons back to the underworld with its angelic powers.  She thought back to the time when she used her rare human smile and powers of dance to lure and help convince Herod to execute and behead John the Baptist.  Oh yes, her history serving The Dark Lord was vast and now she would add another head to that history.  The head of Anthonystjoseph.  And this head she would take and remove herself.

     She laughed at the succulent thought of beheading Anthonystjoseph and then a tingle started in her ear.  The powers of The Heart of Hell medallion were working and suddenly The Dark Lord whispered in her ear, “Yes my child, bring me that mongrels head.”  She responded, “You are my lord and master and do not worry.  The deed is as good as done.”



All works copyrighted © and protected by law

Friday, September 25, 2015

Convertible Clowns X: The Dark Lord & The Heart of Hell




     After Anthonystjoseph had lunged at the Dark Lord and turned him into dust, the Convertible Clowns and all of the demons of the underworld were lost and didn’t know what to do?  They all stood and stared as Anthonystjoseph rode the angelic winged cougar to freedom.  Ridiculous Rodney giggled and said, “I guess this is why the Dark Lord wanted Anthonystjoseph dead.  Toothless Tito hauled off and smacked Ridiculous Rodney to the ground as flames erupted throughout the entire chamber of the Dark Lords Throne.  All of a sudden there was a rumble that seemed to shake the entire underworld as the flames engulfed everything and everyone.  The flames seemed to be everywhere but no one seemed to burn as they all stared at each other in wonder. 

     All of a sudden a sky blue luminescent swirl revealed itself in front of the Dark Lords chair on his throne.  The light began to change colors as it became larger and became a deep purple and then a very light yellow and then culminated in a deep dark red and all the clowns and demons just stared waiting to see what was going to happen.  Paula the Prison Bird said, “I believe our Lord and Master is returning.”  The deep red swirl of light got larger and larger as little pearls of deep red stars began to gather in the light.  Then in a flash of brilliant fluorescent orange the Dark Lord appeared in the center of the swirl that had become as large as the chair that sat on the throne.  The Dark Lord stood there in all his demonic glory taking human form and surveying the room while holding what the clowns and demons thought was the most beautiful jeweled medallion they had ever seen.  The jeweled medallion seemed to be a symbol of a heart made out of the most beautiful rubies and diamonds that the world had ever known.  The heart seemed to actually pulse with its own life force.  They all stared in awe as the Dark Lord stood and inhaled and exhaled with heavy breaths that revealed his anger at the turn of events that occurred as a result of Anthonystjoseph’s capture.

     The flames that engulfed the throne room slowly dissipated as all of the clowns and demons bowed to the Dark Lord showing their thankfulness of his return.  The Dark Lord walked to his throne chair and stood in front of it as he addressed his followers and captives.  The Dark Lord held out the heart shaped medallion of rubies which was held by a long neck chain and said, “I hold before you, The Heart of Hell.  This is one of the most powerful amulets and prized possessions in all the underworld.  The wearer of The Heart of Hell carries with them a lot of powers of the Dark Lord and I see all that they see and hear all that they hear when they wear it.”  At this moment a large stone side door to the Throne room opens and reveals a luminescent demon of a dark sky blue tone that stares at all of the clowns and demons of the underworld as they all stare at this unknown creature who is clearly one of the Dark Lord’s highest ranking demons. 

     The Dark Lord tells the gathering of clowns and demons, “Behold, I give you one of the Captains of my army and one of the best assassins I have ever had.”  The Dark Lord pauses as the entire room takes in the startling look of the demonic looking but seemingly beautiful being.  The demon assassin has luminescent sky blue snake eyes and a beautiful human face except for the lower half which is a skeleton.  The Dark Lord’s voice roars and the room trembles as he says, “This is, Rojalinda!”  He continues, “She is going to succeed where you pitiful Convertible Clowns failed.  She will kill Anthonystjoseph.”

     As an unusual act, the Dark Lord in his human form steps down from his throne and walks through the clowns and demons up to Rojalinda as she bows before the Dark Lord.  He places his hand under her chin and raises her half human and half skeletal face as she rises and smiles with her snake eyes at the Dark Lord.  He says to her in a soothing voice, “You my child, you will take care of this rodent called Anthonystjoseph.  I want my world rid of him.”  Rojalinda replies, “You know I will my Lord.  Your bidding is my command.”  The Dark Lord purrs as Rojalinda bows her head and he places The Heart of Hell medallion around her neck.  The contrast of her sky blue pallor and the deep ruby red glowing glare of The Heart of Hell medallion has all of the clowns and demons in the chamber enthralled.  In an effort to save his own command and rank, Toothless Tito shouts, “THE DARK LORD HAS SPOKEN!”  The chamber room of clowns and demons erupts in jubilation.

    Then, back at the lake in the desert, Anthonystjoseph stands on the porch staring at the angelic being that claimed to be his soulmate.  As Anthonystjoseph is staring at the ethereal being who says it is time to go home, a sky blue luminescent steel sword plunges through the angelic beings back and pierces through the beings heart as Anthonystjoseph screams, “Nooooooo.”  The angelic being slumps and falls to the ground as Anthonystjoseph sees Rojalinda for the first time standing behind the angelic figure having wielded the fatal wound with the sword.  I am in shock as I stare at the clearly demonic being with the half skeletal face and the blue snake like eyes.  I scream at the demon, “What have you done!”  The hooded sky blue demon says, “No less than I am about to do to you.”  I respond, “The only thing you can do to me is send me to Heaven!”  The sky blue half skeletal being responds, “Well then prepare for your trip.”

     Now even though I am not afraid to go to Heaven, I take off running.  The sky blue demonic looking creature with the luminescent blue sword looks like nothing to play with.  Something in my mind is clearly telling me the demon is from the underworld.  I thought all of that underworld business was done.  All of a sudden the sky blue demon responds to the thoughts in my mind and says, “I am the holder of The Heart of Hell and yes I am reading your thoughts.  My name is Rojalinda and the Dark Lord who is very much alive has sent me to destroy you and rid the world of you.  You shall be on your way and leave our world completely.  Yes Anthonystjoseph, its Christmas Cookie Time!”

     The angelic cougar all of a sudden lands in between this Rojalinda demon and myself and Rojalinda who has started slowly walking towards my direction with her sword drawn stops in her tracks.  The angelic cougar roars at Rojalinda and she flies into the air and tells me, “We shall save this meeting for another day Mister ‘Stjoseph or whatever you call yourself.  But believe me when I tell you, I have never failed the Dark Lord and your time to leave this world has arrived.”  I look at the cougar and say, “You want to tell me what is going on and what the hell that thing is.”



All works copyrighted © and protected by law

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Convertible Clowns IX: Conversations With The Dark Lord




     Anthonystjoseph had been captured by the Convertible Clowns and now he was somewhere in the underworld being held captive by the Dark Lord himself.  Why had the cougar abandoned him and why had the cougar said it was his path.  It seemed to Anthonystjoseph that he had finally been fully abandoned by God.  Whatever was in store for him, he knew he would never commit to the Dark Lord’s bidding like his so called friends the Convertible Clowns had.  He would remain who he was in the core of his soul and that was for sure.  He knew nothing could change that.  Besides, his time with the cougar and the cougar’s teachings had made him a much stronger person; he would be strong.  He was being dragged through the underworld in chains by Paula the Prison Bird and Ridiculous Rodney who like Paula had seemed to have recently gone through another transformation.  They were being led by Toothless Tito who seemed to be in charge. 

     They led Anthonystjoseph in chains into a large room with no ceiling whatsoever; it seemed the room was filled with all sorts of demonic and clown like looking people.  They approached the far side of the room from the entrance and came to an amazing and ominous throne.  There in a huge chair made of extremely colorful and luminescent rock sat a being that Anthonystjoseph could not mistake for anyone other than the Dark Lord himself.  For some reason Anthonystjoseph wasn’t scared.  Somewhere deep in his soul he realized this meeting was always going to happen.  Prison Bird Paula and Ridiculous Rodney threw Anthonystjoseph down in chains at the base of the Dark Lord’s Throne.  Toothless Tito says, “As you requested my Lord.”  Anthonystjoseph starts to stare up at the Dark Lord as the Dark Lord rubs his chin and stares at him.  All of a sudden the Dark Lord lets out an unearthly laughter that rocks the entire chamber.  Anthonystjoseph finally looks the Dark Lord directly in the eyes with almost complete disbelief in the true fact that his life has really led to this point. 

     The Dark Lord tells the Convertible Clowns to leave the room and directs everyone else with a wave of his paw to also clear the room.  Anthonystjoseph stands up in his chains and stares at the Dark Lord as the Dark Lord stares at him.  The Dark Lord waves his paw and the chains binding Anthonystjoseph magically disappear.  Anthonystjoseph looks down in disbelief and stretches his hands and arms for relief.  The Dark Lord continues to stare at him and says, “I’ve been watching you for a very long time young man.”  Anthonystjoseph uses all the courage he can muster and remembers the angelic cougar saying he was still protected and responds, “And?”  All of a sudden the Dark Lord loses his temper and lunges at Anthonystjoseph and comes within an inch of his face while they both stare face to face with Anthonystjoseph trying to lean back and clearly horrified by the proximity of the Dark Lords face and obvious closeness to such evil.  The Dark Lord slowly opens his mouth and then quickly in a bit of anger says, “Listen to me you unwanted reject from a dried up NUTSACK!  I’m not the ‘G’ man upstairs.  I will make you regret the day the Earth was created knowing you would eventually be born!  This is my world!  This is my domain.  All of you BELONG TO ME!”  He is still staring directly into Anthonystjoseph’s face as drool starts to leak from his mouth that reminds Anthonystjoseph of the drool he saw leaking from Ridiculous Rodney’s mouth. 

     The Dark Lord returns to sit in his throne as he continues to stare at Anthonystjoseph.  Anthonystjoseph realizes that his protection is clearly in place and also realizes that this Dark Lord considers him important and wants something from him. 

     The Dark Lord starts to talk and warns Anthonystjoseph, “First off, I hear you have talked a lot of crap to the ‘G’ man upstairs and I want to warn you after your first rude response to me that I will have none of it!  This is my WORLD!  You’re just a squirrel trying to get a NUT!”  Anthonystjoseph says, “I thought Oran ‘Juice’ Jones said that line.”  “I SAID THAT LINE!”  “I still think Juice Jones said it.”  The Dark Lord hisses, “You keep on, just keep on.  I’ll turn you into a creature that makes Paula the Prison Bird look like a beauty queen.  Keep on talking smack in my kingdom.”  Anthonystjoseph realizes that maybe he should just start listening; this Dark Lord does seem to have the power at the moment.

     The Dark Lord sits on his Throne and stares at Anthonystjoseph while Anthonystjoseph stands and stares at the Dark Lord.  The Dark Lord starts to explain, “I heard you’ve gotten to the point where you’ll ‘Argue with the ‘G’ Man’ and talk back a lot but I’m going to tell you one more time.  You exercise that smart mouth down here and I’ll wrap you up tight like a stale Christmas Cookie and they won’t be able to open you up until the end of mankind…”   Anthonystjoseph had no idea what a stale Christmas Cookie wrapped tight was like and was really starting to feel like the Dark Lord sounded like someone whose elevator didn’t go to the top floor.   Anthonystjoseph started thinking about the angelic cougar and still remembering that the angelic cougar said he would always be protected and that if he had the courage to argue with God he should surely keep the courage to argue with this demonic windbag.  Suddenly the Dark Lord shouted, “ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!  Do you dare have the audacity to stand in my THRONE ROOM and let your THOUGHTS WANDER OFF!?!”  Anthonystjoseph grabs the chance and says, “Well, you were starting to ramble on.”

     The Dark Lord starts to turn deep red and then a startling dark blue as he slowly rises and then turns an extremely luminescent orange and approaches Anthonystjoseph very slowly and gets in his face one more time as they stand face to face with noses almost touching.  The Dark Lord who is clearly trying to calm his own self down opens his mouth and starts to speak as Anthonystjoseph cuts him off and says, “Dude, your breath!”  The Dark Lord turns deep purple and hauls off and smacks Anthonystjoseph with his paw as Anthonystjoseph flies across the throne room through the air and lands near the door.  Ridiculous Rodney and Paula the Prison Bird are standing outside the doors to the Throne room and can be heard giggling.  Ridiculous Rodney cracks the door open and whispers to Anthonystjoseph on the floor, “You’re gonna get it now rookie!  Christmas Cookie time; the end of mankind!”

     The Dark Lord stands at his Throne and raises his paw as Anthonystjoseph’s body lifts and proceeds to be pulled slowly back through the air back towards the base of the Throne.  Suddenly he his slammed to the floor once again at the base of the Dark Lords Throne.

     The Dark Lord says, “Listen to me closely and understand all that I say.  As it tells you in your Bible, this is my world.  And I will say his name in my world this one time.  Again, as it tells you in your Bible, God gave me the power over the earth.  All of you belong to me.  All of you BIT THE APPLE!  You chose to leave His Heavenly Kingdom when you listened to me and bit the apple and became FLESH!  I am the SERPENT!  YOU BIT THE APPLE!  YOU CHOSE TO BECOME FLESH!  Welcome to my world!”  Anthonystjoseph was taking in everything he was saying and then thinking to himself how he didn’t even like apples all that much.  He certainly wouldn’t have left Heaven for one.  The Dark Lord read his mind and screamed!  IT’S A METAPHOR PUNK!  I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART!  You accepted the apple of flesh and left the Heavenly garden of his spiritual world and all of its rewards and now you are in my what, MY WORLD!”

     All of a sudden, Anthonystjoseph lunged at The Dark Lord and wrapped his arms around him and proceeded to start saying The Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father, who art in Heaven…”  Then with a flash of light The Dark Lord burst into a cloud of dust as Toothless Tito, Paula the Prison Bird, and Ridiculous Rodney all ran into the chamber.  Tito screamed, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!”  Then all of a sudden the angelic cougar came down from the sky of the room with wings that each seemed ten feet long and were glowing as Anthonystjoseph jumped on his back and then the cougar headed for the sky of the underworld and they abandoned the Convertible Clowns and all of the other demonic entities to their life without The Dark Lord.  All of a sudden the angelic cougar and Anthonystjoseph were magically transported to the cabin at the lake in the desert and as they landed the cougar’s wings went away.

     The cougar turned to Anthonystjoseph and said, “Your journey has just begun.  He turned and walked back into the desert as Anthonystjoseph sat down on the porch of the cabin and couldn’t believe what he had just gone through but at the same time happy that he had come out of it alive and not found out what a Christmas Cookie was when it was wrapped up tight until the end of mankind.

     As he sat on the porch an angelic being walked out of the desert and up to Anthonystjoseph and said, “I’m your soulmate, it’s time to go home.”



All works copyrighted ©  and protected by law

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Convertible Clowns VIII: The Capture of Anthonystjoseph




     With the slightly comical and accidental death of Toothless Tito and the new failure of capturing Anthonystjoseph, Ridiculous Rodney, Theoda the Thug, and Paula the Prison Bird returned to the underworld to report to the Dark Lord what happened.  They were summoned to the throne room of the Dark Lord and all three walked in like Dorothy and her cohorts to see the Wizard of Oz; they were scared shitless.  They still couldn’t decide who would tell the Dark Lord they had failed again although they were sure he already knew.  The reception in the underworld they received from everyone until this moment had been one of pity.  Someone one was going to have to pay and all three were planning on blaming it on Toothless Tito and his hapless choice to carry the Nuclear Power Grenade Launcher while running over rough terrain.  When he tripped and fell and shot himself with the launcher it gave Anthonystjoseph the chance to get away. 

     They walked up to the Dark Lord’s throne and all three stood still and came to the military position of Attention in front of the Dark Lord as he rubbed his diabolical chin.  The Dark Lord looked them over in his most sinister manner as Ridiculous Rodney peed his pants.  The Dark Lord continued to remain silent as every member of the Dark Lord’s court dared not make a peep because everyone in the Throne Room knew someone was going to pay for these clowns failure.  The capture of Anthonystjoseph had become somewhat of an obsession for the Dark Lord.

     The Dark Lord finally spoke in a very slow and maniacal tone, “Tell me what happened Mister Ridiculous.”  Ridiculous Rodney looks at the two other clowns and in a panic says, “Why me?!  Toothless Tito and Paula were in charge!”  The Dark Lord finally loses his temper and yells so loud the whole Throne room trembles, “BECAUSE I SAID SO!  THAT’S WHY!”   Ridiculous Rodney’s knees start to wobble as he proceeds to tell their prepared story of what happened and how and why Anthonystjoseph got away again.

     Ridiculous Rodney starts to explain to the Dark Lord, “Well, we had all decided that I would fire the Nuclear Powered Grenade Launcher that you had given us since I was the best shot.  Then when we caught up to Anthonystjoseph, Toothless Tito took the launcher away from me and started running through all of this rocky desert terrain.  Anyone with any common sense knows you don’t run through rocky terrain with a gun with the safety off.  And sure enough, Tito fell over a large rock he didn’t see and the launcher went off and turned him into a useless puddle.  Now if I had the launcher like we originally planned…”  At this moment in his story Toothless Tito walks from behind the throne as the Dark Lord smiles at Ridiculous Rodney with an evil foreboding.  Ridiculous Rodney is caught off guard and says, “Oh Lordy, Hey Tito, glad to see you’re okay…”  “SILENCE!”  The Dark Lord screams.

     The Dark Lord walks up to face all of the failed clowns as Tito smiles in his own sinister way.  The Dark Lord addresses Ridiculous Rodney, “You don’t think I know what happened?  You’re all ridiculous fools.  As Tito suggested, I should have sent him there on his own.  But as usual, someone has to pay for this failure and I’ve decided on the most ridiculous of all of you paying the debt for this failure.”  Theoda the Thug and Paula the Prison Bird both give each other a hopeful and conspiratorial side eye at the word ‘ridiculous’ and thanking their lucky stars it’s not them.

     Ridiculous Rodney tries to make a plea to no avail, “Oh no Dark Lord.  Oh no…”  The Dark Lord snaps, “SHUT UP!” The Dark Lord Trembles as he raises his paw and says, “You’ve always looked like the most ridiculous clown in a humorous way Rodney but now you will look like a maniacal ridiculous clown!”  He waves his paw as Ridiculous Rodney closes his eyes in fearful anticipation of the worst.  The transformation happens and Paula the Prison Bird couldn’t help but laugh inwardly at Ridiculous Rodney’s new clown look.  It was completely comical and maniacal and a look you could almost not take seriously.  Rodney was now a clown with a head the size of a steroid injected watermelon and a chin the size of an orange.  Paula loved it!  Rodney also had a new malformed body with a hunchback.  The thing that Paula loved most was the fact that now Ridiculous Rodney had horns.  Paula was going to laugh her ass off at him when they were alone to pay Rodney back for laughing at her.  Another funny part was the fact that Rodney almost had the same exact dark stained yellow gaped teeth with the very same blackened gums.  Theoda actually felt sorry for Rodney but couldn’t help looking at the permanently attached maniacal look on Ridiculous Rodney’s new clown face which was only accented by the yellow eyes. 

     The Dark Lord spoke one last time, “I understand you have quite enjoyed Paula’s transformation so now you can enjoy your own.  Now all three of you will join Toothless Tito and this time you will not kill Anthonystjoseph.  You will bring him to me.  And to avoid any questions, yes, Tito is in charge!  Now leave my kingdom and don’t return until you have that mongrel in hand.  GO!”  They all left while Paula giggled when out of earshot of the Dark Lord and Ridiculous Rodney looked at her with pure hate.

     They return to the desert as Toothless Tito takes charge.  He tells the other clowns, “Anthonystjoseph has returned to the cave with the cougar and that is where we will find him.  And if anyone doesn’t listen to everything I tell them to do, I will report you directly to the Dark Lord.”  They arrive at the cave as Tito lays out the plan.

     Inside the cave Anthonystjoseph is having a conversation with the angelic cougar, “I don’t understand how you’re talking to me.”  The cougar replies, “Why not?  You used to talk to your favorite dog Sabu.”  “Yeah, well I only talked to Sabu in that one dream.”  The cougar responds, “Dreams and reality are sometimes the same thing.  Surely you’ve learned that already.”  Anthonystjoseph responds, “Yeah, I have.”  The cougar continues, “And by the way, Sabu was sent from the Dark Lord himself as you eventually learned; as all lessons you will learn will reveal more and more to you.  But now I must leave you, the clowns have approached from the horizon outside the cave.  The rest of this journey you must continue alone.”  Anthonystjoseph objects, “But wait, how will I get away!?!”  The cougar informs him, “This time you will not escape.  Your journey will get much worse before it gets better.  You are going to meet the Dark Lord.”  “What in the hell do you mean I’m going to meet the Dark Lord!  I thought my place in Heaven was solidified for that one thing!  Hold ON!”  “Be calm Anthonystjoseph.  You will still be protected and still be guided.  You are always watched over as all are.  Just remember, be strong.”  The cougar slowly fades into small flickers of light resembling stars and then disappears altogether.

     Anthonystjoseph throws a fit as the cougar disappears, “If I have one more supposedly spiritual intervention tell me to be strong I’m gonna lose it!”  As he is wondering about the cougar telling him he’s going to meet the Dark Lord he hears Toothless Tito outside the cave.  “Okay Mister Anthonystjoseph, you’re surrounded!  And we know the cougar has left you so come out with your hands up!  We’re taking you to the Dark Lord himself and there is no way around it!”  Anthonystjoseph has a new sense of strength after his time with the cougar and comes out of the cave with his hands up as Ridiculous Rodney runs up to him and punches him in the stomach.  Anthonystjoseph falls over after losing his wind from the gut punch and Paula the Prison Bird kicks him again in the stomach.  Toothless Tito yells, “THAT’S ENOUGH!”

     Ridiculous Rodney screams, “That’s ENOUGH!?  Look at me!  I have a head the size of a small moon with silly horns coming out of my skull and a big hunch on my back and the body of a nine year old school girl!  And you say THAT’S ENOUGH!”  He kicks him again.  Rodney storms off as Toothless Tito helps Paula to pick Anthonystjoseph up off the ground.  They stand him up and tell him he’s coming with them.  Toothless Tito tells Anthonystjoseph that he is going to meet the Dark Lord and to prepare for the worst and then sinisterly smiles with his new set of pearly white dentures.  Paula the Prison Bird tells Anthonystjoseph, “Yeah TONY!  It’s your time to meet the Dark Lord and I can’t wait!”  Anthonystjoseph looks at Paula and says, “Damn Paula, you don’t look so hot.  What has happened to you?”  Paula glares at him and shouts, “SHUT UP!  I said you happened to me!”  Anthonystjoseph says, “I didn’t do anything to you.  You’ve been chasing me.”

     They arrive to the underworld and carry Anthonystjoseph in chains to the Throne Room to meet the Dark Lord.  The chamber leading to the Dark Lord’s Throne is more crowded than any of the clowns have ever seen it.  The room falls silent as Anthonystjoseph is brought in and they all stare in wonder and everyone is still wondering why the Dark Lord is so concerned with him.  The clowns arrive to the bottom of the Dark Lord’s Throne and throw Anthonystjoseph down at the bottom of the throne and Toothless Tito says, “As you requested my Lord.”  The Dark Lord rubs his chin as he stares at the chained captive and then lets out an unearthly and hideous laughter that shakes the entire room as Anthonystjoseph looks up in disbelief at the Dark Lord himself.



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