Rocky and
his owner, Brad, are walking home from the dog park on a bright sunny day.
“Did you see the new house ‘address’ Rocky got today at the
dog park Brad.”
“Yes Rocky, I saw you talking to the new lady dog.”
“DOG! Dude, you must
be blind! That was a pure bred lady
Rottweiler you saw me talking to there!
She’s heard all about the champ Rocky and she want’s nothing but
champion Rocky babies! Oh yeah! The real ‘Love
Doctor’ rears his ‘lovely’ head; hahahaha…”
At this point Rocky is so caught up on his own reputation and
exploits at the dog park that he doesn’t see Sabrina following them on the
other side of the street.
Brad see’s Sabrina before Rocky and tries to hurry them home
to keep Rocky and him safe and in a good mood.
All of a sudden, Rocky stops because he smells a familiar and
unfriendly smell. Brad tries to yank the
leash and Rocky is unmovable.
Rocky growls. “I smell HER!”
“Let’s just hurry home Rocky, I don’t like that cat.”
“Rocky is tired of this cat!
Demon or no demon, she’s going down today. I can’t have my champion Rottweiler babies
hearing about Rocky running from a CAT!”
“PLEASE Rocky! Let’s
just go!”
Rocky turns to search for the direction of the feline and
nasty smell he’s smelling and then he spots her. Sabrina and Rocky stare each other down like ‘Clint
Eastwood’ and the ‘…Bad…’ from ‘The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly’.
Rocky growls. Sabrina
hunches. They walk slowly towards each other
down the center of the street. They both
stop at the same time about a hundred feet from each other and Brad swears he
hears music from a familiar old western in his head.
For what seems like an incredibly long time they just stare
each other down and neither Rocky nor Sabrina move.
Rocky growls from his gut; Sabrina growls from hers.
All of a sudden, as if some unknown starter pistol goes off,
they both run and lunge at each other and end up in a cloud of dust created by
the dirt in the street and the rapid and quick movements of each. Brad can’t see who’s getting the best of the
other because of all the dust.
Menacing cat sounds are heard and then some growls and snaps
that are clearly from Rocky. Then there
is a big scream from Sabrina and then more dust! A terrifying yelp is heard from Rocky and
Brad is scared.
Another terrifying yelp from Rocky and the movement stops and
the dust is still too much for anything to be seen.
The dust finally settles and Sabrina is limping away missing
one of her ears and dragging a broken leg that is torn from her body and
hanging on by a tendon.
Rocky is laying in the middle of the settled dust cloud
showing no signs of any movement and seeming to be lifeless.
Brad is terrified of losing Rocky and runs as fast as he can
to Rocky. Rocky has several scratches
all over his body that look like they came from a lion and blood is oozing out
of a wound on his neck.
“Oh Rocky! Please don’t
die Rocky! Just hang in there
Rocky! I’ll get you to the vet right
Brad scoops Rocky’s lifeless body up into his arms and runs
home and places Rocky’s body in the back seat of his car. Brad starts praying while driving as fast as
he can to the vet and Rocky still shows no signs of life.
“Oh Lord! Please don’t
let anything happen to my Rocky! He’s my
only friend Lord… I’ll do anything
Brad pulls into the vet’s parking lot and barely gets his car’s
gears into the park position not caring at all that he’s not even in a parking
space. He scoops Rocky’s body out of the
backseat and runs with him in his arms into the vet’s office.
HELP! Get the doctor, something’s wrong
with ROCKY!”
All the vet’s assistants and the office staff love Rocky so
they all stop what they are doing and come get Rocky from Brad.
They tell Brad to wait in the reception area and then rush
Rocky into the emergency room while determining that ROCKY has no heartbeat
The television in the waiting room is on The Western Channel
and ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ is on.
The music in a gun duel is playing before a gunfight and Brad screams,
“Oh lord please don’t let Rocky die!”
After what seems like hours, the vet comes in with his head down
and a solemn look on his face and looks at Brad in the waiting area.
Brad pushes past the doctor and runs into the emergency room
and sees Rocky laying limp with two of the assistants rubbing Rocky’s limp body
and crying.
Brad pushes them away from Rocky and grabs Rocky and starts
to shake him.
The vet puts his hand on Brad’s shoulder and says there was
nothing he could do and Brad starts to sob uncontrollably while hugging Rocky.
“ROCKY PLEASE! I’ll let you do anything you want from now on!
ANYTHING! You can eat any poodle you
want to ROCKY! Any POODLE!”
At Brad’s loud mention of the word poodle Rocky coughs and
expels a huge hair ball.
The vet pushes Brad away and starts to tend to Rocky.
“He’s alive doctor!
“Did somebody call me a poodle?”
“Oh Rocky! I’m so
“You love me.”
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