Cassandra fit into her new life of drugs,
ceremonial beatings, and drug lords who threw parties and claimed to be able to
call up demons amazingly well. She still
longed for the elusive Steve and still tended to her good friend Tammy’s needs
as well as continuing to roam the night with her posse. Once again they were all at Wolf’s which had
become a favorite spot of the entire crew.
Suddenly and once again, Ramon came in to the bar. Cassandra watched him closely as soon as he
entered with all of his boys in tow. He
as well watched her. Cassandra and Ramon
were like two cats prowling each other with food in between them.
Ramon slowly sauntered over to Cassandra
and again invited her to a gathering after the bar closed. Members of Cassandra’s posse gave her a
pleading look because they loved his last party and a few of them had special
eyes for some of his handsome boys, all of which were extremely good
looking. Cassandra politely accepted
Ramon’s invitation in spite of his previous claims to being able to call up
demons. She was sure he was joking about
demons anyway, so why not enjoy the fun? Why not let her posse enjoy his boys? And who knows, maybe she should disobey
Steve’s command to stay away from Ramon; she even smiled to herself wondering
if she went near Ramon again, Steve might show up. It was a plan.
The bar closed and they all went to
Ramon’s gathering across the street at his house and everyone was once again
enjoying themselves. This time, another
handsome man came around with the huge silver tray of lines of Chrystal Meth
and there was no signs of Jonathon at all.
The party was going strong and most of Cassandra’s posse was paired up
with Ramon’s boys and Cassandra headed to the bathroom. On her way to the bathroom a bedroom door
opened and Jonathon pulled her in and quickly shut the door behind her. He seemed a lot different than the first time
she met him but he was still his handsome and alluring self all the same. He said, “I need to talk to you
Cassandra. You’re not safe here.” Again, first Steve and now Jonathon wanted
her to stay away from Ramon. She said,
“What do you mean?” “Oh Cassandra,
you’re so special and so sweet but so naïve.”
“I am not naïve!” He suddenly got
even more nervous, “Keep your voice down! Ramon hears everything!”
Jonathon sat on the bed and bent his head
down. Then he spoke, “Cassandra, haven’t
you noticed that we all seem special here in this city? Haven’t you noticed
that we’re all a little different?”
Cassandra thought and knew that everything he said was true. “Jonathon, I do know things and I do know
that something is going on but…”
“Cassandra! Ramon wants me to use my powers of charm and my powers of
persuasion that I have with women to lure you into his ‘lair’. He has chosen you because of your
powers. He pulled her down on the bed
next to him and held her close.
“Cassandra, I knew the moment I saw you how special you were and knew I
couldn’t fool you and didn’t want to fool you.”
He opened his shirt and to Cassandra’s surprise there was a medical
catheter, which she recognized from her job as a nurse, going directly into his
heart. For some reason the catheter was
set up so fluid could be drained directly from his heart and she also knew that
the only fluid in one’s heart is blood.
Cassandra was in shock. She stared at the catheter as Jonathon
started to weep. She didn’t know what to
do but hold him. He continued to weep as
he said, “I’m a prisoner of Ramon’s Cassandra. I must do whatever he says. I don’t want this to happen to you. He’s a
very powerful member of our tribe. You
have to get out of here. I’m risking my life
even telling you this but leave as soon as you can.” Cassandra placed her hand on his beautiful
face and once again looked at his precious lips as she stood up and wanted
nothing more than to take all of his pain away; this beautiful but captive
creature who apparently risked everything to try and save her from the horrible
creature in the other room named Ramon.
She left Jonathon in the bedroom and rejoined the party.
One of Ramon’s boys from his posse shouted
right away as soon as Cassandra came into the room, “Cassandra! Dance with Ramon! He’s a great dancer!” Cassandra regained her composure and then
couldn’t help but accept the offer since her and Ramon were standing alone in
the middle of the living room. Cassandra
didn’t miss a beat as she swayed and decided she would soothe the beast of a
man with her beautiful singing voice which never failed her in difficult
times. She would sing to the beast.
Ramon and Cassandra danced to the softly
playing music in the background and then she began to sing to Ramon and he was
immediately surprised and taken aback in a pleasant way that was clear by his
smile. She sang one of her favorite
songs that fit the occasion. She started
low in her pleasant soprano, “Maybe I’m a girl. Maybe I’m a lonely girl who’s
in the middle of something; that she doesn’t really understand...” She smiled and twirled around at the end of
that line and Ramon released her. The
song completely fit the situation she was in and everyone in the party was
taken with her beautiful voice. Even her
own posse had never heard her sing so even they were mesmerized. She continued with a louder soprano as she
held out her arms, “Maybe I’m a girl, and maybe you’re the only one who can
ever help me…” She pushed Ramon back
onto the couch as she sang that last line and he was as they put it,
‘done’. Ramon was completely hypnotized
by the young creature who stood in front of him with the beautiful voice of a
goddess. She kneeled down between his
legs as he sat on the couch and leaned into his ear and sang again, “Maybe
you’re the only one who can ever help me…”
He was transfixed as she raised her left hand and snapped her fingers
which everyone in her posse knew that that meant it was time to go. They all stood up as Ramon sat there in a
hypnotic trance and they all walked out of the party as Ramon just sat and stared
at Cassandra as she walked out the front door.
He thought to himself, he would have her. She would be his and no one would stand in
the way. He had to have her. He had to have this creature who leaders of
the tribes said would propel any clan to greatness. She would be his.
They all walked out of the party and all
Cassandra could think of was the poor and beautiful Jonathon who sat in the
back bedroom claiming to be a total prisoner of someone he completely
feared. All she could think of was
Jonathon until she looked up from the houses porch and saw the man standing on
the street next to a tree, it was Steve.
Once again, nothing much was said but
again they went home to her place and again they made passionate love until the
sun rose. Once again he took her in the
morning as he awoke to her staring at his sleeping face. Once again he stood in his majestic greatness
and dressed as she lay there in her puddle of love almost out of breath and
completely spent. She was his and he
knew it and there was nothing she could or wanted to do about it. She lay there after he left pondering her
life and all around her.
Her inner world had always seemed magical
and she knew that she could see and predict things but now the outer world was
becoming as magical as her inner world.
There was Steve who seemed like he had always been there in the back of
her mind waiting for her. Then there was
Tammy who seemed to be a blessing and someone who really cared for
Cassandra… Then there were all of the
other people who surrounded her in her life right now who all appeared to want
the best for her. What was going
on? Somehow on some level, she felt she
She lay there thinking about last night
when she sang to Ramon and he drifted off to another world listening to her
voice. At one point while she sang he
even closed his eyes as if to clearly picture that world she had taken him
to. She jolted herself away from all of
the thoughts running through her head, she had to get to Tammy’s and tend to
business and help her friend.
When she arrived at Tammy’s all was well
and she was thankful for that and the fact that there were no buckets of
chicken around the house. She wasn’t in
the mood to witness another full-fledged gang beating at the hands of her
friends. Tammy was busy counting her
money while Paige was cleaning his knives and then rubbing them with garlic
while he smiled. Paige rubbed all of his
knives with fresh cloves of garlic because he said it made the wounds
fester. Cassandra knew this to be true
as she had once barely broke the skin on her finger with the knife he had given
her and it swelled up on her and took a long time to heal. She went to the kitchen and made sure
everything was clean as she liked to help keep the house tidy.
The doorbell rang and Tammy said, “Hold
on!” She put her money away and then
positioned herself on her couch and checked to make sure her gun was in between
the cushions and that she could reach it easily. She then wiggled and swayed in her seat to
get her bearings and then uttered the usual, “Okay, open the door.”
Stephanie came in with her bright smile
and her usual large order of Meth to distribute to her people on her side of
town. After Tammy and Stephanie finished
their business, Stephanie came into the kitchen. Cassandra offered her something to drink as
they sat down at the kitchen table to chat.
Stephanie suddenly became very serious.
She said she desperately needed to tell Cassandra something. Cassandra knew something was coming and knew
it was important as she always felt that Stephanie was special in a similar
kind of way to herself. Cassandra felt
that Stephanie could see things to come as well. Stephanie continued, “Cassandra, I need to
tell you that your spirituality is awakening.
But it’s very important that you keep it under control because you
should be warned, it can go either way.”
Cassandra knew all of this to be true because she herself felt the tug
of the forces of light and dark in her soul during this time in her life.
Stephanie continued, “I want you to know
that you’re about to join your true family.
We have been waiting for you. I
also want to tell you that you need to be strong. And another thing, stay away from Ramon.”
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and protected by law

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