I love the light and that that is supposed
to be God, good, and righteousness, but if you read my work then you know I
have also at times been drenched in darkness.
I have been abused. I have been
emotionally, psychologically, and physically tormented at times in my
life. You would think that I would be
unhappy about this, which I am on some level; you would think that I would be
angry about this, which I am on some level; but overall, I am a happy
person. You might ask why or how am I
happy? I will tell you. Probably because I realize how enlightening
this has been for me and partially because I also realize that it is like this
for most of us.
What kind of world is this that we are
born into where we are stripped of our knowledge and then taught to crawl
amongst wolves? What kind of world are
we born into that teaches us about a Santa Clause on one hand and a boogey man
on the other and then both of these fictional characters are replaced by their
adult counterparts of God and the Devil respectfully? What kind of world?
What kind of world leaves you in
doubt? What kind of world leaves so many
without? What kind of world has so many
questions? What kind of world has so
many different answers?
It’s the world we live in and the world we
come to love. It’s the world we live in
and some come to hate. It’s the world we
live in that provides many different states.
There is a trick to the rules, there is a trick to the plan. The trick is quite simple and the trick needs
no plan. Just enjoy your time and I’m
not trying to rhyme. The trick is to say
phuck it and learn how to laugh. The
trick is to ride above, like the tall regal giraffe. I’ve seen mansions, I’ve seen pyramids, I’ve
seen dirt floor shacks; I’ve also seen millionaires who have every single nick
knack. You can call yourself lion, you
can call yourself king, but I’m telling you one thing, it’s all the same
thing. In some lives you’ll have this,
and some lives you’ll have that; how do I know and how can I tell? Because in this life I’ve seen Heaven and
I’ve also seen Hell.
All works copyrighted
and protected by law

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