Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Excerpts From A Memoir: Thrown To The Wolves ~ The Raven




     I was doing well for a child who was basically raising himself.  I still remember the kitchen in Los Angeles when I was three years old and my mother lying in bed due to a late shift at work and the usual extreme indulgence in her favorite evening friend, ‘Jack Daniels’.  My mother’s idea of child development was day care and the television which she would just sit me in front of.  I woke up hungry and knew that the only way to eat was the way I had occasionally watched others do it; cook breakfast.  So one morning my three year old, high IQ self, pushed a chair up to the stove and proceeded to cook some eggs and bacon.  I will never forget the vivid image of that kitchen and cooking that breakfast for myself.  It is one of my strongest childhood memories.  I still don’t remember any memories of my mother cooking for me until high school and at that point it was decided that she was a bad cook so those meals were avoided or slowly digested due to necessity.  I have often thought for a large part of my life that my Aunt Jeannie was the first person to ever cook a real dinner for me that I sat at a dining room table to eat until I realized that the blocked out meals cooked by Mamie Sue were served at a dining room table.  I guess the torture sessions of Mamie Sue overshadowed the cooked meals in my memory.
     So, my mother and I had been in Minnesota for a few years now and I was totally over the land of ‘ten thousand lakes’.  These people had started to take the attack on yours truly to a whole new level.  My actual ability to see, my vision, my sight, had been threatened on two separate occasions.  My infamous Aunt Connie had a twin brother separated by birth and two years of age.  Although they weren’t twins, they were spiritual twins.  They both could be classified as criminals if you used the law as your measuring stick.  Crime was their youth and their trade.  One day, Connie’s twin brother decides to tell my mom, his other sister, that he’s taking me fishing.  He announces this to my mom while smiling like a chest ire cat at me, and then he winked at me.  RUT ROW!  I get up early that morning and load myself into the car as the Sun is barely making its presence known to the world.  I sit in the back seat as my uncle and his friend sit up front.  The friend of my uncle also has a son that is around a year younger than I who is sitting next to me in the backseat.  My uncle turns to me and says something about fishing and then gives me that same maniacal grin that he used at the house and then again there is the ‘wink’.  BLAMM!  It happened again.  I was getting use to these BLAMMS!  Everything went black, I forgot who I was, I forgot what my name was, and my world had gone silent except for a ringing noise. It took a good minute to shake my head and rewind the tape and figure out what had happened. 
     I shook my head and my world came back into focus and I turned to the boy sitting next to me.  He was sitting there smiling with my uncle’s grin on his face and I was sure he winked.  I then saw the wrench in his hand.  This boy with my uncle’s grin had just for no reason at all taken a wrench and cold cocked me with all his might in the left eye.  I rubbed my eye and don’t remember much after that.  I think I started singing to myself pretending I wasn’t there.  The next attempt on my sight was in my Catholic school classroom downtown which had the biggest cathedral in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota.  You could see the blue dome of my Catholic School’s church from any location in St. Paul.  Now days you have to be close to it to see it with all the new tall buildings and growth.  It really did use to be a small world.  I was wrestling during class with some boy at school.  I hit my eye on his knee during one of the tossing sessions and had to be rushed by ambulance from the school straight to the emergency room where they transferred me directly to surgery where a plate was put under my eye ball to hold it in place.  Oh yeah!  You got to love St. Paul, Minnesota.  They got real jokes there.  Trying to steal your vision kind of jokes.
     So eventually one day at home, my mother, ‘all of a sudden’, announces that we are moving to Phoenix, Arizona.  At this point I was starting to get a little sick of her ‘all-of-a-suddens’.  She could really learn something from the art of the ‘buildup’.  I remember one morning, as a child, she shook me like there was an earthquake and said in hushed tones, “Wake up!  Wake up!  We got to move!”  What?  Huh?  Yeah...  So, ‘all of a sudden’, I was released from the demons grasp in Minnesota and heading to the desert just like Jesus.  The bible in hindsight is full of so many clues.  I guess that’s why so many people like the stories in the bible.  So I was heading to another land where I was an unknown.  I was faced and blessed with another chance to become someone new.  Another rebirth was at hand, and Lord knows I needed a rebirth.  I could get rid of my present cloak of shame that Leon had forced me to wear around town.  I was free.  Little did I know that I was rapidly approaching level three in training and it was only going to get better and worse.  ‘It was the best of times and it was the worst of times.’
     The skies had parted and another miracle descended upon my happy ass and blessed me with another job transfer for my mother.  I left the cloud of shame that I had created in Minnesota and moved to Phoenix, Arizona.  I would rise out of the ashes and flames that had become my life and fly high like the true bird and butterfly like creature that I was always destined to be.  I was now twelve years old and basically hid in the shadows in the various schools that I had gone too since for some reason or another I had gone to a different one every year.  I’m not sure if my mother recognized signs of trauma and said to herself that she had to move this kid around so no one would catch on or what.  I would generally know my departure dates ahead of time so a few times I took advantage of leaving and got to literally kick a bully on the way out.
     We were moving away from Minnesota, I happened to know it was my last day at my school in Roseville, Minnesota.  There was this one overgrown corn fed kid who always use to bully and tease me so I decided to get him back.  I couldn’t let him get close like Leon did in the fourth grade so I had to be quick witted as to how to get my revenge.  I really didn’t put that much planning into my attack but when I saw my moment I took it!   It was my last day at school and my last bus ride home.  For some reason my angels had me sitting in the back of the bus with the bully sitting in the front.  When the bus came to my stop, I saw my opportunity and I seized it.  I lagged as the other two kids from my stop walked and ran to get off ahead of me and then when they were off the bus and out of the way not blocking the aisle, I did it!  I ran from the middle of the bus and with all the might I could gather, I kicked him right in the leg; the bony part.  He bent over in pain and let out a yelp which I clearly heard in the distance because I was going about forty miles per hour so the bus driver couldn’t decide to become a hero and grab me.  I didn’t stop until I was halfway up the hill and turned and laughed my head off in an over exaggerated manner so he could see me as the bus and his bullying self was driven off into the distance and my past.
     When we got to Phoenix, I went through as many incarnations as my mother went through home addresses.  As a young boy in Phoenix, I hoped and dreamed that my mother would someday give me that BB gun that I had always wanted.  Even though as a young boy I didn’t identify with most of the testosterone related pitfalls that are set for us men, I happened to have been born one so I had succumbed to a few of the traps.  One day a friend of my mothers went to his closet and pulled out a BB gun while my mother and I were visiting.  I think I started salivating like a male dog in heat who has just been shown a horny female poodle that only came up to his knees.  I was speechless and drooling as I stared at the power of the Gun while my mother’s friend explained that it was no ordinary BB gun.  Although I could barely hear what he was saying while staring at the rifle’s clear beauty and power, he didn’t have to tell me that it was no Daisy BB Gun by any means.  This gun happened to be a Benjamin Franklin 22-caliber pump action pellet gun with what seemed like hand crafted Mahogany Wood.  He slowly handed it to me and I slowly took it as the room started spinning.  I was holding all that power in my hand and rubbing the real wood and simply lost in the significant and heavy weight of the seemingly real rifle masquerading as a BB gun.  The man then said that if it was okay with my mother that he had no more use for the gun and if she said okay, “I could have it.”  I think I experienced my first erection.  Well, it was either the attraction that my mother had for this gentleman or the steel, soul threatening bullets my eyes were throwing if she said no that convinced her to say yes.  I was happier than a pig that lives in the back of an all you can eat buffet restaurant that gets all the leftovers from uneaten portions where they watch you too close to sneak out what you don’t eat.  It was heaven.
     Since my new Benjamin Franklin 22-caliber pellet gun was pump action, you know I had to spend all night and every night in my pajamas pumping it, the rifle, to its maximum power for that first shot in the morning and I knew exactly what I was going to shoot; BIRDS!  I learned with my first shot what the United States Army would learn later.  I was an expert shot with a rifle.  The first bird I saw was a sparrow and let me tell you that two minutes after I saw him, he saw God!  I went on for weeks killing every bird I could catch standing still for a few seconds and some that were even in flight.  I remember to this day the hummingbird I shot in flight and how small he was when I walked up on him.  All I thought of was how good a shot I was for shooting something so small that was MOVING!  WHO’S BAD?  I WAS!  That was all soon to change.
     My mother and I lived in some condos on Thunderbird Trail right on the golf course near Phoenix’s Southern Mountains.  The golf course provided little Anthonystjoseph with plenty of hunting grounds.  Later that summer I had gotten up early and it was the first shot of the day and I had even forgone any type of breakfast, desperate to get my first kill.  I was walking on the golf course with my rifle slung over my shoulder like the true Kentucky backwoods hunter that I had descended from.  I had only got about fifty yards from my home when I spotted him.  There he was just as pretty as can be and waiting just for little ol’ Anthonystjoseph.  I could tell he wanted to provide me with a new merit badge for my crimson soaked collar; what a wonderful bird.  It was a new merit badge of bragging because this was a RAVEN!  I had never killed one of those before.  I had taken out silly sparrows, passive doves, nasty pigeons, cranky crows, the hummingbird the size of a thimble at thirty feet, and even some tired quail, but never a RAVEN!
     I stopped in my tracks and slowed my movements like a cat in the jungle who doesn’t blink.  I watched the majestic raven with his regal posture stand proud atop the telephone pole while he observed the land and smelled the wind.  I silently took my rifle off of my shoulder around a hundred feet from the very tall telephone pole that he was perched on.  The telephone poles on the golf course were a lot taller than normal telephone poles in order to keep the telephone wires from interfering with the golfers shots.  I aimed my Benjamin Franklin Rifle right at the raven and let all the power of the first shot of the morning, with all the pumps through the night, loose.  I exhaled after the shot with a smile on my face and looked at the raven and nothing happened.  I was a little shocked.  I rarely missed.  I never missed.  I looked at my rifle wondering if it was working and it seemed to be fine and then I looked back at the raven as he continued to stand atop the pole majestically and then it happened. 
     All of a sudden, he just leaned over and fell the huge distance from the extremely tall ‘golf course’ telephone pole and hit the ground.  I swear to this day that there was a loud dull thump when he hit the ground, and my soul even remembers the ground move were I was standing.  I looked around to see if anyone saw because something about this act of murder seemed different.  Although all life is precious this was no silly sparrow.  I slowly walked up to the raven like a child with no feline characteristics leftover whatsoever; and when I got up to it, I experienced some of the deepest sense of regret and fear that I had ever felt up to that point in my life.  I looked down on a bird that was bigger than a small poodle.  I again looked around because I knew I was going to jail because this bird was so big that it clearly had a birth certificate, a driver’s license, and was probably an organ donor.  I was so scared that I turned and ran all the way home and never in my life wanted to shoot another bird.  I even avoided stepping on ants after that.  Now don’t get me wrong; If I find a bug up in my house and they aren’t on the mortgage, they got to go, and by go, I mean Raid Bug Spray.  Don’t make me break out Luke 10:19, ‘…behold, I give unto you the power to trample on serpents and scorpions…’ to me that means spiders and snakes!  I do not like them.
     Seriously speaking, I could feel and tell that the raven I had shot was a creature that was intelligent and that clearly I had no right on God’s earth killing.  It didn’t take the later knowledge in life that ravens were monogamous and kept the same mate for their entire life to make me regret my actions.  Nor did it take the actions of the ravens that later in life followed me for four blocks to protect me from imminent danger to make me feel sadness over my actions.  It also didn’t take the ravens that seemed to watch over me on my journey from San Diego to Denver when I found out my grandmother passed during the trip.  It simply took the true emotions of a considerate and compassionate human being to walk up on that large creature and realize that I was in the wrong.  I had taken a creature’s life that when I was up close to it was one of the most hauntingly beautiful animals that I had ever seen.  I wrote a piece titled ‘Stoned’ which was an homage to one of the birds I shot during my youth that is also on my album ‘Passion Flowers’ and it goes like this ~

‘He said to me again and again
Just don’t you worry
You’ve been chosen to win
For all the cries of ‘you’re crazy I see’
You are more and more with We
For you have been chosen to help spread the word
As one would if a hummingbird
For when you were young and the one that you shot
With him and with you there was a lot
He is still with thee as he will always be
But for him and you to do there is a lot.’


All works copyrighted © and protected by law

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