Tuesday, April 16, 2013






     Another part of history has been ripped from the fabric of time and changed; past, present, and future.  The Boston Marathon will never be the same and once again, neither will our lives.  To the cowardly terrorist with their homemade bombs and their homemade anger I say, “You can steal your way onto the tapestry of history via bombs and bullets but it is a thievery with an eternal price tag that you may not want to pay.”

     But most of all I would like to say to the MEDIA, “You are a main part of this equation…  Without you they would not do any of this.  I happen to live five minutes from the Aurora Mall were the mentally ill shooter killed all the people at the movie theater recently.  Of course I was saddened by the death of such innocence, but I was truly appalled when days later I unintentionally drove by the Aurora Mall and saw all the parasitic news crews still camped out and salivating over the excitement…  The media was there in droves camped out in massive news trucks willing to interview the local light post just to get what, MORE STORY! 

     Some in the media look at terroristic events as career builders and actually crave events like this to build their ratings and boost their personal careers.  The relationship between the terrorist and the media is like the relationship of the parasitic louse and the whale.  The parasitic louse spends its entire life on the skin of a whale…  Although the whale appears to be more intelligent than human beings, we as human beings are capable of removing most parasites.

     I simply say to the media, “Stop encouraging, stop enjoying, stop illuminating the lives and family of these terrorist… It is the illumination that they SEEK.”  Notice how I mentioned the Aurora Shootings and never mentioned the guy’s name that did it, TRY IT!  If they KNEW that you weren’t going to turn them into celebrities, if they knew that they weren’t going to go down in history, if they knew…  They would simply STOP.”

     I say to the media, “YOU do this…  It is you that they seek to tell their story and make them and their cause famous…  IT IS YOU!  YOU!” 

     I do not want to KNOW who they are…   I do NOT want to know their cause…  I also do not want to know how they did it because when YOU tell ME how they did it then YOU tell THEM how to continue to do it…  Why don’t I want to know?  Because of the methods they used to inform me.  When YOU stop then their cause goes unheard and they realize their method didn’t work.

     I say to the MEDIA that if you don’t build the platform for these mentally challenged fame seekers to stand upon and glorify themselves and their causes then they will STOP!  IF YOU DON’T BUILD IT, THEY WONT COME!



All works copyrighted  and protected by law


  1. I am stating in the article above that the MEDIA and TERROR are entities caught in a symbiotic relationshiip and I am hoping that the MEDIA will realize that it is the WHALE in the analogy who needs to remove the parasitic terrorist, domestic and international, from their PERSON!

  2. A prime EXAMPLE of the media enjoying the relationship is reporter BILLY BAKER of the 'The Boston Globe' who is completely salivating over the JOLT to his career this 'Boston Marathon' event has given his career... Yesterday he was CONTINUALLY tweeting that HE was going to be on CNN with Piers Morgan and then when I called Billy Baker on this activity on Twitter HE responded to me by saying HE was JUST correcting a TYPO! He deleted that tweet because GUESS WHAT? Later that night he tweeted AGAIN THREE times, "I'm going to be on... I, I, I,..." Completely enjoying the symbiosis of his career and TERRROR coming together in complete harmony on HIS WATCH! HE! HE! HE!
