Wednesday, January 11, 2017

BONUS TRACK: The Dove Pimp




    So let me tell you about this Dove issue I have…  I sold my home a few years ago and just decided to travel the country and write.  I was tired of the tread mill of work and not doing what my heart desired; which was write and write only.  So I settled in this Mexican Village a year or so ago just to concentrate on the writing.  I call it a small Mexican Village because it is quaint and most importantly very small compared to what I’m used to.  The milk cartons at McDonalds in this town say ‘Leche’ (meaning ‘milk’ in the Spanish language) and half of my movies on Netflix are made in Latin Countries and spoken in Spanish.  Now I speak Spanish to a certain point but when the guy who works at your local Walmart doesn’t speak English; I feel you have the right to say you live in a Mexican Village. 

     Now the village isn’t that small; as in they have every fast food restaurant you can imagine, a Red Lobster (one), a JCPenny, Sears, Dillard’s, and I think I saw a Macy’s in the small mall that I’ve never been too.  I refuse to go to their version of a mall because I don’t want to break down in tears crying over the fact that this is what they consider a mall…  I mean I’ve shopped in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Germany, Egypt, etc.…, I cannot bear to go into their small mall and get the overwhelming depression that would inevitably set in considering the kids that have to grow up in such a condition of depravity. 

     So anyway, I settled in this small village to just concentrate on my writing.  I leased a two bedroom condominium with cathedral ceilings, I always need cathedral, I’m very tall.  The front patio is surrounded by huge six foot brick walls covered in stucco.  So these doves like to perch on top of these walls and then start their cooing that reminds one how closely related they are to that ‘rat of birds’ called the pigeon!  Well, if I have my front windows or my front door open, these first cousins of the rat bird the pigeon cooing will reverberate through my whole condo with its high ceilings which seem to amplify said cooing.  It drives me crazy!  It is so loud with the echo effect of my high ceilings that you can even hear it over the television.  Based on the loudness of their cooing I can tell you exactly where they are on my front wall. 

     So I had to spend a while training them that this is not their home and they are not on the lease!  Well one day, the mama dove who had been training her daughter or son dove about their favorite spot and has gotten tired of me running her and her kids off comes back to perch!  But this time she comes back with ‘back up’!  I walk out because I hear the cooing and this time she doesn’t fly off!  This hoe stares me down!  And then I see she has what looks like a dude dove standing next to her.  I’ve never seen him before but he has a real ‘f-you’ look on his face and he’s clearly eye balling me!  I think I see a knife strapped to him under his wing!  I try to shoo ‘em off and they just stand there; she looks like she’s about to fly off and I swear the ‘dude dove’ tells her, “Don’t go nowhere hoe, I got this!”

     Now I happen to have this rare ability to talk to animals; I know, I know; it’s a curse and a blessing.  So this dude dove looks directly at me with one eye, because you know they only have one eye on each side of their head, and he says, “Listen you raggedy Negro!  My hoe’s been working this fence since before you got here and my family has owned this corner for ten generations since this place was built!”  I look at this ‘Pimp Dove’ and cannot believe he thinks he’s a match for me, ME!  But for some strange reason he is curling the hairs on the back of my neck.  We stare each other down like were both in some sick Quentin Tarantino horror film and he doesn’t budge.  I decided this called for a new tactic.

     I use my quick thinking and go back into my house and get my broom!  I run outside my house and head for the fence; I charge at the dove hoe and the dove pimp with all my ‘crazy’ on full blast for extra effect and the pimp loses all of his resolve and takes off quicker than his hoe!  Just like a pimp; left his hoe in the lurch.  His punk butt reminded me of the ‘Pink Pimp’ in St. Paul, Minnesota where I grew up.  The ‘Pink Pimp’ was a famous pimp in St. Paul who drove a pink Cadillac, wore a pink suit, and a pink hat with pink feathers…  He just disappeared one day; he was all talk, most likely went to jail…

     Anyway, this dove pimp flew off so fast trying to get away from this crazy Negro with a broom that I couldn’t help but laugh.  And let’s just keep this part between me and you; I think I heard him call me the N-word, not Negro, the N-WORD!  But I did hear him tell his ‘dove hoe’, “I think you’re going to need to find another corner babe.  And don’t think I’m going to cut your feed quotas for my babies.  We got to keep it moving babe; you know I love you, now get to work and find me another corner.”

     Sometimes I wonder if these doves are trying to torture me for all the doves I killed as a kid with my Benjamin Franklin 22 Caliber Pellet Gun.  Yes, I have a colored past which you will read about here shortly in one of my memoir excerpts that I will publish here soon.  I killed so many birds as a kid with my pellet gun until I killed that one Raven…  Wow, I will remember that raven my entire life; he was so big, so majestic.  And then when I found out later in life that Ravens were monogamous, it broke my heart!

     Now days, when I hear the cooing of one of these first cousins of ‘rat’ birds, all I have to do is walk out of my front door and they see me and take off.  Every now and then they force me to get the broom to just check and see if my crazy is still on…  But I got ‘em trained.  This is my world.

     I once went on a white water rafting trip with some of my fellow Cadet Candidates from West Point’s Preparatory School and had the greatest time of my life.  Navigating the swiftly flowing waters in the rapidly moving river through the rocky and narrow turns with my friends was an amazing adventure.  We were all in our red wet water suits with black trim and yellow wet water gloves while the rapids were just dangerous enough to not let you think you were in trouble but at the same time led you to believe that you were conquering the world, and I was!  At a certain point the rapids got so intense as I saw a group of people out of the corner of my eye on some rocks on the shore of the river just watching us.  The fun I was having was so great and needed to be shared!  I looked directly at the people on the rocks and raised my hand covered in its bright yellow wet water glove high in the air and waved at them with the biggest smile; comfortable in the fact that my friends and I were handling the waves. 

     When we got to the end of the rafting trip; everyone at the cabin where all the rafters met to turn in their gear continually smiled at me and laughed and said, “You’re that guy!”  I had no idea what they meant or what they were talking about; with adrenaline rapidly flowing through my veins I just smiled back at them, I mean, people have been saying ‘you’re that guy’ my whole life.  Finally my group of friends and rafting buddies came to a room where they had ‘pictures of each rafting group’ that had come down the river on display for purchase and a token of remembrance of each rafting groups trip.  I looked up past all the smiles from the staff in my direction and saw my rafts picture.  There ‘I’ was in this picture with my friends in our raft navigating the rough rapids.  As ‘my friends’ faces were knee deep in struggle and partially covered by splashing water while oaring through the rapids, I was the one high above their heads with my long arm stretched to the heavens waving at the camera with the biggest smile on my face and a huge yellow glove, my glove, stealing the entire picture as I shone with glee.  My friends all said to me, “Way to steal the moment Anderson!” (we went by our last names in prep school)  I said ‘what?’ as I looked at the picture which highlighted me and me alone, again I smiled.  I was just waving, smiling, and saying high to some strangers on a rock!  I did not see any camera at all; but here again, the camera always seems to find me.  And once again, don’t hate the player, hate the game; this is my world!


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