Monday, May 9, 2016

God Chronicles VII: The Light




     A spiritual advisor of mine once told me that, ‘I was suppose to help bring trust back into the world’; this was beautiful and startling at the same time.  It was mainly startling because most who know me would call me either Cautious Carl or Paranoid Paul.  I am not a very trusting person although I am naïve sometimes.  I don’t necessarily trust people but I do believe what they tell me if you can understand that.  Basically, what I am saying is that I will most likely not trust you with my money, but I will believe that you will pay me back if I loan it to you.  So when this spiritual visitor into my life uttered the words in the ethereal tone stating, “That’s what you’re here for.  You’re going to bring trust back into the world.” I was struck into thought over the reasons or truth of why she was saying this.

     To give you an example of how untrusting I am, I am going to talk about the almighty, wonderful, glorious, and inviting warm light that all who have traveled to the other side of life return from and talk about.  People who have had N.D.E.’s (near death experiences) often return back from the land of no heart beat and speak of this wonderful light that they didn’t want to leave.  They say the light was so beautiful and made them feel so wonderful that they didn’t care about their loved ones that were left behind or anything else but staying in the light.  The only thing that I know that makes people NOT care about their loved ones is CRACK!  This light seems to have the same effect of smoking cocaine.  Crack has made plenty of people forget about their mothers, wives, fathers, husbands, and even their own children.  Just say NO!

     All I am saying is this; I am going to need references before I step through some portal into a ‘light’ that has the same effects of an illicit and illegal narcotic that I have seen take teeth and brains from folks.  Look at it this way ~ what if there was some presence out there that fed off the energy of your soul?  How would that presence get that energy without a fight from you?  I will tell you how!  They would offer your soul some ‘soul crack’!  Probably in the form of A LIGHT!  Your soul would say ‘see ya later’ to your own mama.  Just say NO!

    I already have my plan for when I see the light and it’s been fully worked out.  Yes, I am one who will be offered the light, don’t even think it.  I am going to say, “Hello”, and then I am going to stand there in front of the light until someone comes out and says it’s ‘okay’ to enter and that ‘someone’ better look like Saint Peter himself.  I also want the actor who played Saint Peter to come out as well so I can make sure it’s the real Saint Peter and not just the actor that I saw in a movie.  And then my GRANDMA THERESA better come out and tell me it is okay to enter because I KNOW she’s in Heaven.  After I quiz the ‘coming-out-of-the-light’ Grandma Theresa with the questions only the real Grandma Theresa would know, I am going to demand a sneak preview of the other side, as in a look through that ‘light’ before I step my black ass through ANYTHING!  Cautious Carl is in the house and alive and present, or should I say, ‘dead and scared of the light'.  I have taken way too many tests with trick questions not to be skeptical of some ‘light’ with the effects and draw of CRACK COCAINE!  And we all know what ‘CAIN’ did in the bible!  Slow your roll!

     So if I am going to help bring TRUST back into this world, here it is…  You can TRUST that I have reason NOT to TRUST!  You can TRUST that someone is going to give YOU reason NOT to TRUST.  You can always give people reason to TRUST, and you can always take that reason to TRUST, AWAY.  Be someone I can TRUST.  Be someone YOU can TRUST.  Be TRUSTWORTHY!



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