One can say
that the use of language is an art form if one is truly into the crafting of
the ‘word’. The truth of the matter is
that any communication in itself no matter what form or fashion it comes in is
an art form. Well one of my favorite
tools in the language department of communication is the analogy. The analogy is one of the most useful tools
because it can aid a teacher and a student in seeing into the core of a debate
through the other’s eyes. In speaking to
a friend the other day I had to explain that you had to learn to deal with the
dents that life is going to send your way.
Because no matter how well you take care of your ‘car’, after many years
there is bound to be a dent or two and many more scratches from the close calls
and runaway grocery carts.
The trick in this game is to learn to keep
the engine running properly with the best ‘oil’ used in your oil changes and
learn how to smooth over the ‘dents’ and keep the car looking good. One must always remember though, some folks
like cars that look good with no dents, some folks like cars that run well and
are reliable, and then some are always searching for both. Which one are you?
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