Thursday, August 30, 2012







     I have written some light stories as of late but being a Gemini I have two sides thank the stars…  My spiritual side can be all consuming at times and take me into deep thought and discovery.  I ponder over world issues more than I should but it is my higher capacity to remove myself from the situation and analyze certain happenings that makes me see clearer than most in my opinion.  It is also my need to repair that makes me visit these issues quite often.  I must preface what I am about to say with some sort of credentials as I am sure I am about to lose friends and followers alike in stating my opinion.  I was measured as a child at a university and said to have a higher intelligence and whenever my intelligence HAS been measured, it has raised an eyebrow…  Again, thank my stars.  I must say that sometimes when thanking these stars I am not too thankful.  There is an old saying that says, ‘There is a curse in every blessing and a blessing in every curse.’  Well let me tell you that the curse of a higher understanding is a higher intake of pain that comes from that understanding.  To put it simple, ignorance is bliss.  If you don’t understand and consume the knowledge of all the people in the world who live such unnecessarily deprived and sometimes hellish lives then you cannot be sad about it.  If you don’t know that someone killed your neighbor and stole his house and just told you he bought it than you cannot be upset about it.   Well let me tell you that I am very aware of the atrocities that mankind commits on itself in such horrible ways.  I am knowledgeable of the fact that man will take wood stakes and impale each other through the rectum on up to wherever it comes out.  I am aware that around the world in various places there are human slaves to this day that are forced to do everything from simple labor to ungodly acts that would tear your soul apart.  In this awareness for me comes the pain.  In understanding how man can be and will be, is pain for me.

     So I am going to step back on a recent topic and ask the question of, “Can’t you see it too?”

     You know there has been a lot of public celebration of the death and execution of Osama Bin Laden and I just cannot wrap myself around the idea of applauding murder no matter what side it comes from.  When the Twin Towers came down there was a celebration in terrorist camps around the world and now that Osama Bin Laden is dead at our hands, we are celebrating.  So now the terrorist have to create their celebratory moment and how many lives are going to be lost this time.  When are we as humans going to understand that the cycle is completely repetitive…

     I feel that Osama Bin Laden should have been captured and punished for his crimes for sure but death is such an easy way out for a villain… 

     If it were me and you killed over three thousand members of my tribe, I would have waxed you and NOBODY would have known about it!  If you really feel the need to make someone bleed, you NEED to keep your mouth shut in order to avoid that blood turning into a river of retaliation.  In the case of keeping your mouth shut, as any two bit mobster knows, there would be no retaliation…  In the case of Osama, I would have led you to believe one of YOUR own tribe did it!  An accident, ANYTHING, other than let you know I killed him.  Come on people, letting them know we waxed him just set it up for the little baby Osama’s to grow up and RETALLIATE!  Stop the cycle…  Anyone who knows anything about history knows that a common genetic thread in that Middle  Eastern DNA is ‘GRUDGE HOLDING’!  There are tribes over there who have been hating and killing each other for millennia on top of millennia.  Their hate of each other goes back pre-alphabet!  Any alphabet!  Their passion and hate runs so deep they had to invent the alphabet, which they did, to describe and keep track of their HATE!  Are you kidding me, my other Gemini is slipping out now, ARE YOU KIDDING!  Don’t you realize that our sailors having a swimming party and diving in swimming trunks off of a battle cruiser that dispensed with Osama’s body is going to inspire and lubricate this wheel of ‘alternate celebrations’.  Watching the people celebrating in front of the White House looked like the public hysteria often seen in the Middle East when someone is killed.  I guess we should just hunker down and wait for their celebration and hope we live through it.  Because eventually, if you sit back and look at history and the way this story goes over and over again…  Somebody, meaning some tribe, aint gonna get UP!  That’s that other Gemini talking…  In the words of Lao Tsu, “Those who know others are wise.  Those who know themselves are enlightened.”

     I thought for some reason that the American Government was being very wise in knowing a long time ago that Osama Bin Laden was dead and just let it go unknown to the public in order to kill the martyr syndrome that was inevitable.  I was proud of the way the government had handled their business and let the gloating that feeds this viscous cycle of back and forth murder die down.  I was enjoying the peace of life slightly returning to a normal and safe feeling…  I thought…  I enjoyed…  Well that’s over!

     I originally published this story when they first killed Osama Bin Laden but now a Navy Seal with the foresight of a gnat has come out and written a book stating that when Osama was shot in the head and dying and twitching on the floor; him and his comrades just pummeled bullets into his chest cavity…  Here comes CHUCKY!  And Chuck y just got angry AGAIN!  Thanks Navy Seal…  Tell your fellow soldiers in arms to get dressed because it might be about to happen again thanks to you!

     Someone once said, “We need not worry so much about what man descends from ~ it’s what he descends to that shames the human race.”



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